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panorama_3449A32B_171B_7771_41AE_EDF126E7654A.subtitle = Museum panorama_3449360C_171B_9137_41A8_CE47010B3E9F.subtitle = Museum panorama_34496A6E_171B_B1F3_41B4_E9A4F4662683.subtitle = Museum panorama_344B22F8_1727_76D0_41B3_98113B33E5C1.subtitle = Museum panorama_344AE038_1726_9150_41A2_222B10F3C9F4.subtitle = Museum panorama_344AEB62_1726_97F0_41B2_CA0D76154EFC.subtitle = Museum panorama_344AF871_1726_F1D1_41B4_D29167C1C08A.subtitle = Museum panorama_344A356E_1726_93F3_4177_8A9923472392.subtitle = Museum panorama_344932E0_1726_B6EF_41A4_5A98DE99465A.subtitle = Museum panorama_34494F7A_1726_8FD0_4172_A34B7EABE40A.subtitle = Museum panorama_344A7C78_1725_91D0_41B4_230B77F94AD8.subtitle = Museum panorama_3449FA3D_1725_B151_412D_AA5FC0B1D914.subtitle = Museum panorama_344927C0_1725_9F2F_418E_A73689B12CEC.subtitle = Museum panorama_344985A7_1725_F371_4196_9C5C74B7B575.subtitle = Museum panorama_3449C250_1725_912F_41AE_1912A017E3AA.subtitle = Museum panorama_8A04446D_BD5B_6838_41B2_7DB546095AF4.subtitle = Museum panorama_8AF72885_BD55_58E8_41E3_89534015BFB2.subtitle = Museum panorama_8A9F3473_BD55_E829_41A8_355443AE2230.subtitle = Museum panorama_34497BF1_171B_96D0_41B1_AFE7CE6BFE36.subtitle = Museum panorama_34493DFA_171B_F2D3_41AA_3A51C24A8B7C.subtitle = Museum panorama_34490F8E_171B_8F30_41A6_9D783E481C1D.subtitle = Museum panorama_3448422D_171B_9171_41B7_0C5300A41108.subtitle = Museum panorama_3449F425_171B_7171_41AD_F2D8EA549F22.subtitle = Museum panorama_34489AC9_171E_9131_41A1_12437898566E.subtitle = Museum panorama_34485667_171A_F1F1_41AF_9CC7F9C7157A.subtitle = Museum panorama_344863C9_171A_9731_41B2_E6D561568574.subtitle = Museum panorama_3448C214_171A_B157_41B5_46589F83A716.subtitle = Museum panorama_3449064E_171A_9133_41A8_688168C0621B.subtitle = Museum panorama_34492972_171A_B3D3_41AC_884E56276817.subtitle = Museum panorama_3448204E_171A_9133_417A_E6E36ACBD466.subtitle = Museum panorama_3448661F_171B_9151_41B1_CD32517CF876.subtitle = Museum panorama_344860DE_171B_F2D0_41AF_177D3365975E.subtitle = Museum panorama_34B6A743_17E5_7F31_41AA_01FE14D938BD.subtitle = Museum panorama_34B68894_17E5_9150_41A6_8ECF227BC004.subtitle = Museum panorama_34B71A06_17E5_B130_41B0_ABD3AE305A1D.subtitle = Museum panorama_8A51171A_BD56_E818_41E7_7F03A125F8A2.subtitle = Museum panorama_34495B16_171F_9753_41A0_C18DD51B63EC.subtitle = Museum panorama_3448CEC9_171E_9130_4196_34DF8558EDFE.subtitle = Museum panorama_344955BA_171F_7353_41A9_46ACC89055E9.subtitle = Museum panorama_06B7CE82_11D0_120B_41A5_A19F50EF0AFC.subtitle = Near Clock Tower panorama_3263B7F9_3CF9_70CC_4170_4EF62D4A98E6.subtitle = Old Bazaar panorama_3263E741_3CF9_513C_4177_7F65FEE703F4.subtitle = Old Bazaar panorama_1C903222_11D0_120B_41AD_7395C972E4F4.subtitle = Shirok Sokak panorama_E90CC8A6_E402_BF6F_41E0_2ABA8EDED011.subtitle = Shirok Sokak near h.Epinal panorama_A9EFB2A3_BDBF_6828_41D6_478BB5869148.subtitle = Village Dihovo panorama_F7B4CADE_BECF_D818_41CD_FEF295BF89A8.subtitle = Village Magarevo panorama_AE39BD62_BDBD_D828_41D5_266C8F229DDD.subtitle = Village Nizepole panorama_F033EAF3_BECF_5829_4190_A824D8E11772.subtitle = Village Trnovo ### Title photo_655466AB_743B_4A01_41C1_CE0C8174B5D3.label = Above the Tunnel photo_652CBC00_743D_3DFE_4198_DC809A980A20.label = Bitola 1 panorama_33F5D13B_3CF9_5143_41C4_F3C85663C21C.label = Church Holy Mother of God panorama_3266FBC7_3CFB_70C4_4194_5E9C392A7B53.label = Church Holy Mother of God (10) panorama_32614D8C_3CFB_5145_41C1_CD0EC034BFE3.label = Church Holy Mother of God (11) panorama_32612E58_3CFB_B3CD_41CD_E1C81EF9C9BC.label = Church Holy Mother of God (12) panorama_32614E9D_3CFB_D347_41BE_958B58ABCC3C.label = Church Holy Mother of God (13) panorama_32614F25_3CFB_F147_41B4_7EA64575F14F.label = Church Holy Mother of God (14) panorama_3266CEC8_3CFB_D0CD_41C0_27AA70693871.label = Church Holy Mother of God (15) panorama_3260346D_3CF9_77C4_4162_FD87EA9FF9A3.label = Church Holy Mother of God (2) panorama_3267C526_3CF9_5144_41C9_27632D6CF670.label = Church Holy Mother of God (3) panorama_32672677_3CFA_B3C3_4194_EAF05C89CA3D.label = Church Holy Mother of God (4) panorama_3267A702_3CFA_D13D_4193_720574930074.label = Church Holy Mother of God (5) panorama_3267479B_3CFA_F14C_41A7_0A3433638A6D.label = Church Holy Mother of God (6) panorama_3267B78E_3CFA_D144_41CD_EB2784399FA6.label = Church Holy Mother of God (7) panorama_3260C900_3CFA_B13D_41B5_54D0CDAB149E.label = Church Holy Mother of God (8) panorama_32668A20_3CFB_537D_41B4_D5B7F040B0A8.label = Church Holy Mother of God (9) panorama_32618038_3CFB_4F4C_41AF_1835A6A6C130.label = Church St Demetrius of Solun panorama_32628424_3CF9_7745_41CA_EE9A3D3AE4F1.label = Church St Demetrius of Solun (10) panorama_326671BE_3CFB_7145_419B_4C0AC1B044F8.label = Church St Demetrius of Solun (2) panorama_326192BD_3CFB_5344_41C4_B34035CF8242.label = Church St Demetrius of Solun (3) panorama_326102C2_3CFA_B33C_41BB_FC6DADD4DE75.label = Church St Demetrius of Solun (4) panorama_3261B24F_3CFA_D3C3_41B4_4F026E2ADE79.label = Church St Demetrius of Solun (5) panorama_3261C261_3CFA_F3FF_41C6_04205F22BE33.label = Church St Demetrius of Solun (6) panorama_3261B1D3_3CFA_D0DC_4184_243DB2D4B2E0.label = Church St Demetrius of Solun (7) panorama_32611204_3CFA_B345_41C6_5C06FBAD3838.label = Church St Demetrius of Solun (8) panorama_32632368_3CF9_51CD_41B2_327C6F8BF9DD.label = Church St Demetrius of Solun (9) panorama_06B7CE82_11D0_120B_41A5_A19F50EF0AFC.label = Clock Tower photo_6612058B_7441_37BE_41B0_6BCD2AB0F9AF.label = DJI_0614m photo_661DC36A_7441_337E_41C5_3E8552DA3C71.label = DJI_0624m photo_66120132_7440_CCE9_41D3_DC89AC8CC462.label = DJI_0629m photo_661DDEFC_7440_D55A_41B4_547E22FB6A20.label = DJI_0633m photo_6612CC5B_7440_D55E_4151_2321F7CA646A.label = DJI_0635m photo_60029A18_7440_DCD9_41CE_79C24691639C.label = DJI_0637m 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Heraklea (20)a panorama_09F65A4A_1767_7133_41B4_6DA801F04C5F.label = Heraklea (21)a panorama_09F65B69_1767_97F1_41B3_A2F055E715E5.label = Heraklea (22)a panorama_09F69C03_1767_B131_4192_0C133940E8FC.label = Heraklea (23)a panorama_09F6FD97_1767_9350_41A2_AFFB8EB6E96C.label = Heraklea (24)a panorama_09F63E63_1767_F1F1_4195_38A68A682B98.label = Heraklea (25)a panorama_09F6CF1E_1767_8F53_4187_DEFFE759DA0E.label = Heraklea (26)a panorama_09F6FFFB_1767_8ED1_41B2_0296C576F5B2.label = Heraklea (27)a panorama_09F640D7_1767_72D0_4173_790615EB7785.label = Heraklea (28)a panorama_09F64150_1766_932F_4183_FC2C829B62BA.label = Heraklea (29)a panorama_09E89261_177A_91F1_41AC_EA74EA1AD118.label = Heraklea (3)a panorama_09F6625F_1766_B1D1_41B3_0870F52F22B0.label = Heraklea (30)a panorama_09F6632B_1766_9771_416C_701B0EB83B0D.label = Heraklea (31)a panorama_09F6045A_1766_F1D0_41A3_FF680F702B1E.label = Heraklea (32)a panorama_09F61527_1766_9371_418A_62E8D3FC5318.label = Heraklea (33)a panorama_09F6355C_1766_B3D7_41B5_8FD0FACA61FA.label = Heraklea (34)a panorama_09F9E787_1766_9F31_41B0_51743E2560C8.label = Heraklea (35)a panorama_09F5E78B_1765_7F31_419C_536917ACDEC8.label = Heraklea (36)a panorama_09FA37B0_1765_9F6F_41A8_555C7F06BC6E.label = Heraklea (37)a panorama_09FA085B_1765_B1D0_41B6_73768E6EC994.label = Heraklea (38)a panorama_09FA5938_1765_935F_4188_5925666962D8.label = Heraklea (39)a panorama_09E876B0_177A_B16F_41B2_BC8272CD8813.label = Heraklea (4)a panorama_09FADA56_1765_F1D3_41B0_89A1EA1D45F8.label = Heraklea (40)a panorama_09FA4DAD_1765_9370_41A1_02E429E26295.label = Heraklea (41)a panorama_09FA6F41_1765_8F31_41B2_50348F989FF4.label = Heraklea (42)a panorama_09FAD0F6_1765_72D3_41B0_37B3D81A1AF9.label = Heraklea (43)a panorama_09FAB1F4_176A_92D7_41AD_50DA50B7E456.label = Heraklea (44)a panorama_09FA22E3_176A_B6F1_4192_67267A4DEFD0.label = Heraklea (45)a panorama_09FAA455_176A_91D1_417A_9F459FA71F5A.label = Heraklea (46)a 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"The City of The Consuls"

Bitola, known during the Ottoman Empire as Manastir or Monastir, is one of the oldest cities in North Macedonia.
It was founded as Heraclea Lyncestis in the middle of the 4th century BC by Philip II of Macedon. The city was the last capital of Ottoman Rumelia, from 1836 to 1867.

According to the 2002 census, Bitola is the second-largest city in the country.

The city stands at an important junction connecting the south of the Adriatic Sea region with the Aegean Sea and Central Europe, and is an administrative, cultural, industrial, commercial, and educational centre. It has been known since the Ottoman period as "The City of The Consuls", since many European countries had consulates in Bitola.
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Bitola Fortress

The Bitola Fortress (also called Dzepane, from tur. Cephane, in free translation ammunition, ie gunpowder or arsenal, is a cultural monument of the first category in Macedonia.

According to the research of the Bitola archaeologist Stevce Todorovski, it was built in 1876 in the shape of a cross with built-in four unique stone carvings by Smilevo masters. The building was built by order of the Bitola governor Gjosa Ahmet Zeki-pasha, who offered money to the masters when they added the gunpowder. But, they answered: "... the governor is overpaid, we do not take money for holy work". The governor did not understand what they were saying, but later his scribe showed him that from the opposite building could be seen a well-built Christian cross formed by the surrounding walls and buildings. Even in the wall of one of the buildings, the masters of stone carved a cross, placed obliquely so as not to be immediately visible.

In the past, Dzepaneto was rarely visited, given that in the time before Macedonia's independence, it was a weapons depot and was kept as a military secret, protected by guards, barbed wire and steel gates.

Today, it is owned by the municipality and the facility is open for visits. However, the building is in a very dilapidated condition, because it is not secured and anyone can enter it.
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The clock tower for many represents one of the most important symbols of the city of Bitola. It is located in the City Park, in the heart of Bitola, in the area between the church "St. Dimitrija ” and the Yeni Mosque, on the former “Pekmez-pazar”. The park is a gathering place for the young inhabitants of the city, as well as one of the most visited places by tourists.

In the historical records of Bitola, the clock tower is mentioned as far back as 1664, but it can not be said with certainty whether it is today's clock tower. According to other research, it is believed that today's building was built together with the church "St. Dimitrija Solunski ”, around 1830.

The last major renovation of the clock tower took place in 2009, when the roof was coated with copper. At the same time, the sidewalk around the clock was restored. In this renovation, the clock mechanism was also replaced.

The tower has a square base, with sides of 5.8 meters and it is entered from the north side. It is about 32 meters high. Inside there are spiral staircases that lead to the upper end of the tower. At the top of the tower there are terraces with wrought iron fences, and on all sides of the terraces there are structures that hold lamps with the help of which the whole tower and its clock are visible at night. The clock is at the top of the three levels.

Until 1912, the time was marked in the Turkish way, ie the hours were counted down after sunset. After 1912, modern timekeeping was introduced.

The first dial and clock mechanism made by the German company Conffage was set up in 1927, and the people in charge of ringing the bells were replaced by watchmakers who maintained the clock and its mechanism. The first dial was white with black numbers and arrows and was smaller than today.

The original clock was replaced in 1936 before the start of World War II with a newer and much more accurate clock. The new watch was bought by the Germans in gratitude to the citizens for the German cemetery they erected for the victims of the conflict in Bitola, along with the English and French cemeteries during the First World War. Then the clock mechanism was replaced, and 15 bells, weighing 900 kilograms, were installed. The mechanism was renewed in 1962, and in 1970 a keyboard was installed to perform new compositions.

During the renovation in 2009, the clock mechanism itself was renovated, with the help of German experts.
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German military cemetery
Memorial center

The memorial is in memory of the 3,406 German soldiers who died on the Thessaloniki front between 1915 and 1918 during World War I and are buried here.

In the autumn battle in 1916, the front line passed through the mountain above Bitola, where later the military cemetery will be set up. In 1932, the German Military Cemetery Commission began construction of a central military cemetery for fallen fighters in the battles of Macedonia in the period 1915-1918. The memorial center was opened on October 26, 1936.

In gratitude for the transfer of the land for the cemetery in 1936, the city of Bitola, from the commission, receives bells, which are built into the clock tower in the center of the city, from where even today at a certain time one can hear a Macedonian folk song and the song about "A good friend." The cemetery is surrounded by a solid circular wall of granite blocks, from which the entrance space resembling a tower has been erected. The circular cemetery is surrounded by a slightly higher path surrounded by a high wall. The construction work took almost 5 years, as the heavy granite blocks had to be carried from afar.

In 1969 the center was renovated because over the years several blocks and the roof mosaic of the entrance area were destroyed. The granite blocks could be reassembled or replaced, but the eagle mosaic could not be preserved. It has been replaced by the "painting" of German artists Franz Grau / Josef Eberl. In the 1970s, the construction of a tunnel for the highway, which passes through the mountain under the cemetery, began.

Every year on the Day of National Mourning in German and French cemeteries, fallen fighters are honored.
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Heraclea Lyncestis

Heraclea Lyncestis - a city settlement from ancient Macedonian times to the Middle Ages. It was founded in the middle of the IV century BC. by King Philip II of Macedon, as an important strategic point. The remains of the material culture from the ancient Macedonian phase of life have not been sufficiently explored archaeologically.

Heraclea Lyncestis is located on the southern outskirts of the city of Bitola, at the foot of Mount Baba. It is named after Heracles, the mythical hero and ancestor of the Macedonian royal dynasty Argeadi, while the epithet Lyncestis meaning "Lyncestid" comes from the name of the Lyncestida region in which the city was located, where the ancient Macedonian tribe Lyncestidis lived. Located in a fertile plain, protected from the Baba Mountain to the north by the Tumbe Kafe hill and the Siva Voda River to the south, Heraclea survived and developed into a significant crossroads on the Via Ignatia, which connected Durres and the Bosphorus. From Heraclea the road stretched diagonally to Stobi, and then to Serdica (den. Sofia).

The city was founded in the pre-Roman period, probably by the Macedonian king Philip II or Philip V. According to written sources, after the conquest of Lyncestida, Philip II built a fortress (probably Heraclea) through which he could control part of the kingdom. There is also information according to which in the beginning of the II century BC. AD, during the wars with the Romans, the Macedonian king Philip V built several fortresses in the border areas to secure the kingdom's border.

After the victory of the Romans and the division of the Macedonian kingdom into four areas (meridians), Heraclea became part of the fourth meridian. The city experienced the highest level of civilization development during the Roman rule in the first centuries of the new era, when it gained the status of a colony. During this period Heraclea became a strong economic and political center with its own permanent Roman viceroy and its own Roman army. All this reflected on the appearance of the city, so that Roman architecture was largely represented, although traditional influences and historical benefits still left their mark on the city.

In 473, during the siege to the south, the Goths led by Theodimer conquered Heraclea. Shortly afterwards (479), the same Goths, this time led by Theodoric, the son of the late Theodimer, reached Heraclea again. The inhabitants of the city took refuge in a refuge (refugium) in the region, while the bishop was negotiating with Theodoric. The Gothic leader was looking for food for his people, and when he got nothing he set fire to the city. The exact extent of the destruction has not been determined. During the 6th century the city was again attacked by barbarians, including the Avars and the Slavs, and by the end of the 6th century life in Heraclea was definitely dying out.

Remains of several sacred objects have been found on the floor of Heraclea, which amaze with their beauty, especially that of the floor mosaics made in opus sectile and in opus tessalatum, which are masterpieces of early Christian art from the 1st and 6th centuries.

These are the small basilica (A), the civil basilica (B), the large basilica (B) and the cimetric basilica (D) - located about 250 meters from the central city area of ​​Heraclea, next to which early Christian and medieval Slavic tombs have been discovered. In contrast to these magnificent buildings, profane stone and mud buildings were erected on the ruins of the old theater. Their importance is in their location, which speaks of the high degree of rationalization of funds and space, ie the great construction experience gained over the centuries.

Of particular interest is the episcopal residence, which has a trapezoidal shape and its layout is based on the benefits of the ancient tradition. The connection between the episcopal basilica and the other basilicas in the middle part of this ancient city was made through a corridor at its eastern entrance. The rooms of the episcopal residence were arranged around the central courtyard, in the center of which was a well. The pathos in all the rooms of the diocese are made in mosaics composed of small stones according to the principle of tessalatum. It contains a variety of geometric patterns, rosettes, meanders, braids, fish bones, braided cross. In that decor, motifs from the flora and fauna are repeated.

The episcopal residence was in use from the 4th to the 6th century AD. In the pages of the history of this city were written only events that testify to its beauty and peaceful life in it. Unfortunately, the Heracles did not have the good fortune to enjoy the fruits of their labor for a long time. Frequent and fierce attacks continued. At the end of the VI century and the beginning of the VII century AD, an era of barbarism reigned over Heraclea, after many years of conflicts with the Avar-Slavic tribes. Thus, the fateful fate of this ancient city ended ingloriously with the displacement of its citizens in various parts, which contributed to the extinction of urban life in the city.

Particular attention is paid to the imposing construction of the theater, where the genius of the experienced builder of that time, Vitrubius, was brought to perfection. Hypothetical data, recorded by archaeologists and art historians, show that the beginnings of its construction date back to the time of Emperor Hadrian, and the final works were performed in the time of Antoninus Pius. Again, after the tried and tested old recipe from the Roman architectural cuisine, marble, stone and baked brick are used, which give this monumental construction a unique look with an impressive aesthetic. The unveiling of the stage confirmed the dual function of the theater building - for stage performances and performances with animals kept in three cages. For the safety of the spectators, a high wall of orthostats was erected around the orchestra with a metal fence on them. The auditorium has a twenty-row rows of seats, and above the top row was Nemesion. The starting box with seats was between the third and seventh rows. The stage consists of five rectangular rooms and a lavishly decorated north façade. The theater had a capacity for about three thousand visitors from all classes
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The very first presentation in Bitola’s Museum connected to the famous statesman, the father of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Attaturk, dates from 1978, with the promotion of the first exhibition of photos, documents and facsimiles presenting the life and activities of the great Turkish reformer. As it is known, he graduated from the military high school (Mektebi askeri idadi) in 1899. At that time the high school was housed in the building built for that purpose in 1848 and known as the old Bitola Barracks, where now we have the present day building of the Bitola Museum.

This permanent exhibition starts with the available materials, supplemented by certain items and copies accommodated in two glass cabinets, and a memorial statue of Kemal Ataturk.

It is promoted for the first time in 1994, in rooms covering an area of 40 m2. In 1998, following the agreement signed by the government of the Republic of Macedonia and the government of the Republic of Turkey, 120 m2 were adapted for this exhibition by the staff of the Bitola museum and experts from Turkey, thus giving the exhibition presenting the life and work of Kemal Ataturk its present day appearance. The president of the Republic of Macedonia at that time, Kiro Gligorov, together with the president of the Republic of Turkey, Sulejman Demirel promoted this exhibition on 3 October 1998.
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Permanent settings

It contains:

- Historical setting

The history of the Bitola region is presented with more than 2,000 artifacts, starting from:
The Neolithic
Iron Age
Antiquity - with a brilliant copy of the figure of Athena Parthenos from the II century AD.
The medieval period - presented from two aspects: archaeological and historical.
World War II and the National Liberation War
Ethnological setting with a traditional room





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The Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museum Bitola

The Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museum Bitola is a national institution in the field of culture whose main activity is protection, systematization, scientific processing and presentation of cultural heritage in the Municipality of Bitola.

The idea for the establishment of the Museum of Bitola originates from February 18, 1934, when, at the initiative of Dr. Antun Zhegura, professor at the Bitola high school and Mr. Ivan Kanjuh, in the ceremonial hall of the Bitola municipality was held an assembly at which it was decided, in Bitola, whose surroundings are rich in numerous movable and immovable cultural monuments, to establish a city museum. The Assembly of the Initiative Board (composed of: Bishop Nikolaj Velimirovi,, Ilija Dimitrijevi,, Brigadier General, Mr. Petar Lesnareviќ, retired director of the Gymnasium, Mr. Buda Borisavleviќ, lawyer, Mr. Antun Kaротuра, Mr. , Mr. Branislav Vasileviќ, district chief and Mr. Dragoljub Konstantinovi,, district chief) set him the task of collecting historical ethnographic items, all types of weapons from various armies (which during the Balkan and World War I participated in the battles in the Bitola area) and to initiate a decision to establish a city museum in Bitola, which would fill a gap that has long been felt in the cultural life of the city.

For the period from its establishment until the end of 1948, the Museum was located in two ground floor shops on st. "Dobrivoje Radosavleviќ" (today demolished), in whose premises in 5 appropriate cabinets were placed coins from the ancient, Roman and Byzantine period, supplemented with certain archaeological finds of ceramics, marble, bronze and the like. The Museum during this period employed two people, one manager and one guard.

In 1949, the city trustee was awarded a new museum building on st. "Marshal Tito" no. 25. (Ottoman Bank building, later Thessaloniki Bank, Geological Bureau).

In 1952, by decision of the Presidium of the People's Republic of Macedonia, the Museum in Bitola was renamed the National Museum-Bitola and as such existed until 1976.
In the same year, the Museum moved to the Danabash building, at ul. "Marshal Tito" No. 91 and for a long time operates with 57 employees.

By the end of the 50s of the last century, the archeological excavations at the prehistoric site пuplevec and the organizational preparations for systematic excavations at the archeological site Heraclea Lyncestis were more noticeable.

On June 5, 1975, the Assembly of the Municipality of Bitola established the Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments and Natural Rarities Bitola.

The office, since 1976. is located in one of the most important cultural and historical monuments in Bitola, in the building "Old Barracks". The importance and significance of this building is a result not only of its monumentality, but also of the historical past, events and people who stayed here.
The first installation was set in 1991.

Since 2009, today's permanent exhibition has been set on an area of ​​1,000m2 in which there are over 2,000 exhibits from different time periods.
In this building, since 1998. is the existing exhibition dedicated to Kemal Ataturk, set on 120m2, with more than 60 exhibits as well as 60 books.
In the building there is a special room of about 100m2 which is intended for temporary exhibitions.

The Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museum Bitola takes care of the functioning of several facilities:
The building where the museum is located - Old Barracks,
Ancient site Heraclea Lyncestis,
Art Gallery (Yeni Mosque),
Memorial House Goce Delchev,
Memorial House Stevan Naumov Steve
Magaza Cultural Center.
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Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

Tlf.: +11 111 111 111

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.
HTMLText_17528AC5_57D1_805F_41CC_502F9EE91657_mobile.html =
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

Tlf.: +11 111 111 111

Mauris aliquet neque quis libero consequat vestibulum. Donec lacinia consequat dolor viverra sagittis. Praesent consequat porttitor risus, eu condimentum nunc. Proin et velit ac sapien luctus efficitur egestas ac augue. Nunc dictum, augue eget eleifend interdum, quam libero imperdiet lectus, vel scelerisque turpis lectus vel ligula. Duis a porta sem. Maecenas sollicitudin nunc id risus fringilla, a pharetra orci iaculis. Aliquam turpis ligula, tincidunt sit amet consequat ac, imperdiet non dolor.
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The very first presentation in Bitola’s Museum connected to the famous statesman, the father of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Attaturk, dates from 1978, with the promotion of the first exhibition of photos, documents and facsimiles presenting the life and activities of the great Turkish reformer. As it is known, he graduated from the military high school (Mektebi askeri idadi) in 1899. At that time the high school was housed in the building built for that purpose in 1848 and known as the old Bitola Barracks, where now we have the present day building of the Bitola Museum.

This permanent exhibition starts with the available materials, supplemented by certain items and copies accommodated in two glass cabinets, and a memorial statue of Kemal Ataturk.

It is promoted for the first time in 1994, in rooms covering an area of 40 m2. In 1998, following the agreement signed by the government of the Republic of Macedonia and the government of the Republic of Turkey, 120 m2 were adapted for this exhibition by the staff of the Bitola museum and experts from Turkey, thus giving the exhibition presenting the life and work of Kemal Ataturk its present day appearance. The president of the Republic of Macedonia at that time, Kiro Gligorov, together with the president of the Republic of Turkey, Sulejman Demirel promoted this exhibition on 3 October 1998.
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Permanent settings

It contains:

- Historical setting

The history of the Bitola region is presented with more than 2,000 artifacts, starting from:
The Neolithic
Iron Age
Antiquity - with a brilliant copy of the figure of Athena Parthenos from the II century AD.
The medieval period - presented from two aspects: archaeological and historical.
World War II and the National Liberation War
Ethnological setting with a traditional room





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The Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museum Bitola

The Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museum Bitola is a national institution in the field of culture whose main activity is protection, systematization, scientific processing and presentation of cultural heritage in the Municipality of Bitola.

The idea for the establishment of the Museum of Bitola originates from February 18, 1934, when, at the initiative of Dr. Antun Zhegura, professor at the Bitola high school and Mr. Ivan Kanjuh, in the ceremonial hall of the Bitola municipality was held an assembly at which it was decided, in Bitola, whose surroundings are rich in numerous movable and immovable cultural monuments, to establish a city museum. The Assembly of the Initiative Board (composed of: Bishop Nikolaj Velimirovi,, Ilija Dimitrijevi,, Brigadier General, Mr. Petar Lesnareviќ, retired director of the Gymnasium, Mr. Buda Borisavleviќ, lawyer, Mr. Antun Kaротuра, Mr. , Mr. Branislav Vasileviќ, district chief and Mr. Dragoljub Konstantinovi,, district chief) set him the task of collecting historical ethnographic items, all types of weapons from various armies (which during the Balkan and World War I participated in the battles in the Bitola area) and to initiate a decision to establish a city museum in Bitola, which would fill a gap that has long been felt in the cultural life of the city.

For the period from its establishment until the end of 1948, the Museum was located in two ground floor shops on st. "Dobrivoje Radosavleviќ" (today demolished), in whose premises in 5 appropriate cabinets were placed coins from the ancient, Roman and Byzantine period, supplemented with certain archaeological finds of ceramics, marble, bronze and the like. The Museum during this period employed two people, one manager and one guard.

In 1949, the city trustee was awarded a new museum building on st. "Marshal Tito" no. 25. (Ottoman Bank building, later Thessaloniki Bank, Geological Bureau).

In 1952, by decision of the Presidium of the People's Republic of Macedonia, the Museum in Bitola was renamed the National Museum-Bitola and as such existed until 1976.
In the same year, the Museum moved to the Danabash building, at ul. "Marshal Tito" No. 91 and for a long time operates with 57 employees.

By the end of the 50s of the last century, the archeological excavations at the prehistoric site пuplevec and the organizational preparations for systematic excavations at the archeological site Heraclea Lyncestis were more noticeable.

On June 5, 1975, the Assembly of the Municipality of Bitola established the Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments and Natural Rarities Bitola.

The office, since 1976. is located in one of the most important cultural and historical monuments in Bitola, in the building "Old Barracks". The importance and significance of this building is a result not only of its monumentality, but also of the historical past, events and people who stayed here.
The first installation was set in 1991.

Since 2009, today's permanent exhibition has been set on an area of ​​1,000m2 in which there are over 2,000 exhibits from different time periods.
In this building, since 1998. is the existing exhibition dedicated to Kemal Ataturk, set on 120m2, with more than 60 exhibits as well as 60 books.
In the building there is a special room of about 100m2 which is intended for temporary exhibitions.

The Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments and Museum Bitola takes care of the functioning of several facilities:
The building where the museum is located - Old Barracks,
Ancient site Heraclea Lyncestis,
Art Gallery (Yeni Mosque),
Memorial House Goce Delchev,
Memorial House Stevan Naumov Steve
Magaza Cultural Center.
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"The City of The Consuls"

Bitola, known during the Ottoman Empire as Manastir or Monastir, is one of the oldest cities in North Macedonia.
It was founded as Heraclea Lyncestis in the middle of the 4th century BC by Philip II of Macedon. The city was the last capital of Ottoman Rumelia, from 1836 to 1867.
According to the 2002 census, Bitola is the second-largest city in the country.

The city stands at an important junction connecting the south of the Adriatic Sea region with the Aegean Sea and Central Europe, and is an administrative, cultural, industrial, commercial, and educational centre. It has been known since the Ottoman period as "The City of The Consuls", since many European countries had consulates in Bitola.
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Bitola Fortress

The Bitola Fortress (also called Dzepane, from tur. Cephane, in free translation ammunition, ie gunpowder or arsenal, is a cultural monument of the first category in Macedonia.

According to the research of the Bitola archaeologist Stevce Todorovski, it was built in 1876 in the shape of a cross with built-in four unique stone carvings by Smilevo masters. The building was built by order of the Bitola governor Gjosa Ahmet Zeki-pasha, who offered money to the masters when they added the gunpowder. But, they answered: "... the governor is overpaid, we do not take money for holy work". The governor did not understand what they were saying, but later his scribe showed him that from the opposite building could be seen a well-built Christian cross formed by the surrounding walls and buildings. Even in the wall of one of the buildings, the masters of stone carved a cross, placed obliquely so as not to be immediately visible.

In the past, Dzepaneto was rarely visited, given that in the time before Macedonia's independence, it was a weapons depot and was kept as a military secret, protected by guards, barbed wire and steel gates.

Today, it is owned by the municipality and the facility is open for visits. However, the building is in a very dilapidated condition, because it is not secured and anyone can enter it.
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The clock tower for many represents one of the most important symbols of the city of Bitola. It is located in the City Park, in the heart of Bitola, in the area between the church "St. Dimitrija ”and the Yeni Mosque, on the former“ Pekmez-pazar ”. The park is a gathering place for the young inhabitants of the city, as well as one of the most visited places by tourists.

In the historical records of Bitola, the clock tower is mentioned as far back as 1664, but it can not be said with certainty whether it is today's clock tower. According to other research, it is believed that today's building was built together with the church "St. Dimitrija Solunski ”, around 1830.

The last major renovation of the clock tower took place in 2009, when the roof was coated with copper. At the same time, the sidewalk around the clock was restored. In this renovation, the clock mechanism was also replaced.

The tower has a square base, with sides of 5.8 meters and it is entered from the north side. It is about 32 meters high. Inside there are spiral staircases that lead to the upper end of the tower. At the top of the tower there are terraces with wrought iron fences, and on all sides of the terraces there are structures that hold lamps with the help of which the whole tower and its clock are visible at night. The clock is at the top of the three levels.

Until 1912, the time was marked in the Turkish way, ie the hours were counted down after sunset. After 1912, modern timekeeping was introduced.

The first dial and clock mechanism made by the German company Conffage was set up in 1927, and the people in charge of ringing the bells were replaced by watchmakers who maintained the clock and its mechanism. The first dial was white with black numbers and arrows and was smaller than today.

The original clock was replaced in 1936 before the start of World War II with a newer and much more accurate clock. The new watch was bought by the Germans in gratitude to the citizens for the German cemetery they erected for the victims of the conflict in Bitola, along with the English and French cemeteries during the First World War. Then the clock mechanism was replaced, and 15 bells, weighing 900 kilograms, were installed. The mechanism was renewed in 1962, and in 1970 a keyboard was installed to perform new compositions.

During the renovation in 2009, the clock mechanism itself was renovated, with the help of German experts.
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German military cemetery
Memorial center

The memorial is in memory of the 3,406 German soldiers who died on the Thessaloniki front between 1915 and 1918 during World War I and are buried here.

In the autumn battle in 1916, the front line passed through the mountain above Bitola, where later the military cemetery will be set up. In 1932, the German Military Cemetery Commission began construction of a central military cemetery for fallen fighters in the battles of Macedonia in the period 1915-1918. The memorial center was opened on October 26, 1936.

In gratitude for the transfer of the land for the cemetery in 1936, the city of Bitola, from the commission, receives bells, which are built into the clock tower in the center of the city, from where even today at a certain time one can hear a Macedonian folk song and the song about "A good friend." The cemetery is surrounded by a solid circular wall of granite blocks, from which the entrance space resembling a tower has been erected. The circular cemetery is surrounded by a slightly higher path surrounded by a high wall. The construction work took almost 5 years, as the heavy granite blocks had to be carried from afar.

In 1969 the center was renovated because over the years several blocks and the roof mosaic of the entrance area were destroyed. The granite blocks could be reassembled or replaced, but the eagle mosaic could not be preserved. It has been replaced by the "painting" of German artists Franz Grau / Josef Eberl. In the 1970s, the construction of a tunnel for the highway, which passes through the mountain under the cemetery, began.

Every year on the Day of National Mourning in German and French cemeteries, fallen fighters are honored.
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Heraclea Lyncestis

Heraclea Lyncestis - a city settlement from ancient Macedonian times to the Middle Ages. It was founded in the middle of the IV century BC. by King Philip II of Macedon, as an important strategic point. The remains of the material culture from the ancient Macedonian phase of life have not been sufficiently explored archaeologically.

Heraclea Lyncestis is located on the southern outskirts of the city of Bitola, at the foot of Mount Baba. It is named after Heracles, the mythical hero and ancestor of the Macedonian royal dynasty Argeadi, while the epithet Lyncestis meaning "Lyncestid" comes from the name of the Lyncestida region in which the city was located, where the ancient Macedonian tribe Lyncestidis lived. Located in a fertile plain, protected from the Baba Mountain to the north by the Tumbe Kafe hill and the Siva Voda River to the south, Heraclea survived and developed into a significant crossroads on the Via Ignatia, which connected Durres and the Bosphorus. From Heraclea the road stretched diagonally to Stobi, and then to Serdica (den. Sofia).

The city was founded in the pre-Roman period, probably by the Macedonian king Philip II or Philip V. According to written sources, after the conquest of Lyncestida, Philip II built a fortress (probably Heraclea) through which he could control part of the kingdom. There is also information according to which in the beginning of the II century BC. AD, during the wars with the Romans, the Macedonian king Philip V built several fortresses in the border areas to secure the kingdom's border.

After the victory of the Romans and the division of the Macedonian kingdom into four areas (meridians), Heraclea became part of the fourth meridian. The city experienced the highest level of civilization development during the Roman rule in the first centuries of the new era, when it gained the status of a colony. During this period Heraclea became a strong economic and political center with its own permanent Roman viceroy and its own Roman army. All this reflected on the appearance of the city, so that Roman architecture was largely represented, although traditional influences and historical benefits still left their mark on the city.

In 473, during the siege to the south, the Goths led by Theodimer conquered Heraclea. Shortly afterwards (479), the same Goths, this time led by Theodoric, the son of the late Theodimer, reached Heraclea again. The inhabitants of the city took refuge in a refuge (refugium) in the region, while the bishop was negotiating with Theodoric. The Gothic leader was looking for food for his people, and when he got nothing he set fire to the city. The exact extent of the destruction has not been determined. During the 6th century the city was again attacked by barbarians, including the Avars and the Slavs, and by the end of the 6th century life in Heraclea was definitely dying out.

Remains of several sacred objects have been found on the floor of Heraclea, which amaze with their beauty, especially that of the floor mosaics made in opus sectile and in opus tessalatum, which are masterpieces of early Christian art from the 1st and 6th centuries.

These are the small basilica (A), the civil basilica (B), the large basilica (B) and the cimetric basilica (D) - located about 250 meters from the central city area of ​​Heraclea, next to which early Christian and medieval Slavic tombs have been discovered. In contrast to these magnificent buildings, profane stone and mud buildings were erected on the ruins of the old theater. Their importance is in their location, which speaks of the high degree of rationalization of funds and space, ie the great construction experience gained over the centuries.

Of particular interest is the episcopal residence, which has a trapezoidal shape and its layout is based on the benefits of the ancient tradition. The connection between the episcopal basilica and the other basilicas in the middle part of this ancient city was made through a corridor at its eastern entrance. The rooms of the episcopal residence were arranged around the central courtyard, in the center of which was a well. The pathos in all the rooms of the diocese are made in mosaics composed of small stones according to the principle of tessalatum. It contains a variety of geometric patterns, rosettes, meanders, braids, fish bones, braided cross. In that decor, motifs from the flora and fauna are repeated.

The episcopal residence was in use from the 4th to the 6th century AD. In the pages of the history of this city were written only events that testify to its beauty and peaceful life in it. Unfortunately, the Heracles did not have the good fortune to enjoy the fruits of their labor for a long time. Frequent and fierce attacks continued. At the end of the VI century and the beginning of the VII century AD, an era of barbarism reigned over Heraclea, after many years of conflicts with the Avar-Slavic tribes. Thus, the fateful fate of this ancient city ended ingloriously with the displacement of its citizens in various parts, which contributed to the extinction of urban life in the city.

Particular attention is paid to the imposing construction of the theater, where the genius of the experienced builder of that time, Vitrubius, was brought to perfection. Hypothetical data, recorded by archaeologists and art historians, show that the beginnings of its construction date back to the time of Emperor Hadrian, and the final works were performed in the time of Antoninus Pius. Again, after the tried and tested old recipe from the Roman architectural cuisine, marble, stone and baked brick are used, which give this monumental construction a unique look with an impressive aesthetic. The unveiling of the stage confirmed the dual function of the theater building - for stage performances and performances with animals kept in three cages. For the safety of the spectators, a high wall of orthostats was erected around the orchestra with a metal fence on them. The auditorium has a twenty-row rows of seats, and above the top row was Nemesion. The starting box with seats was between the third and seventh rows. The stage consists of five rectangular rooms and a lavishly decorated north façade. The theater had a capacity for about three thousand visitors from all classes.

HTMLText_CF4D552A_E8FF_6FA7_41CC_86F2A4F0F38F.html =
Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
HTMLText_D38B0423_CEBA_C2C5_41D1_7C24C548F0D0.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
• settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
• nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
• history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
• religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
• art galleries and exhibitions
• tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 2,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_D38B2423_CEBA_C2C5_41D6_004E27D90A60.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
• settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
• nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
• history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
• religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
• art galleries and exhibitions
• tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 2,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_D24272FA_CEBE_4744_41CD_850A5EEE272E.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
• Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
• Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
• settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
• nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
• history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
• religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
• art galleries and exhibitions
• tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 2,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_D24232FA_CEBE_4744_41E6_A8810F85F4BB.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
• Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
• Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
• settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
• nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
• history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
• religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
• art galleries and exhibitions
• tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 2,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_CF4D552A_E8FF_6FA7_41CC_86F2A4F0F38F_mobile.html =
Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
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