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photo_F5518C33_F917_4B44_41E2_96066F47AC82.label = Prespa-ostrov11 panorama_89FE5360_84D5_6DD6_41CF_E19356BDCED1.label = Selemli Village photo_9579A8CF_89B8_FEED_41DF_C682B92D66B3.label = Selemli35m photo_9579A8CF_89B8_FEED_41DF_C682B92D66B3.label = Selemli35m panorama_89FE68BB_84D5_BCA9_41C8_7FEB554934D3.label = Stojakovo Village ## Right Click Menu ### Text TDVAuthor.label = Bojan Trenchevski ## Skin ### Button Button_BE8AFBCC_EEE4_DCC1_41CC_E582B5C785C7.label = < Back Button_A876B929_EEA4_DD42_41DA_E9331455C36C.label = < Back to MAIN menu Button_D3F810E4_E41C_9DFA_41DE_8E8D300DF01B.label = BOGDANCI Button_F6227113_F915_5D44_41E4_A207FF188887.label = CLOSE Button_E4C0D24C_F963_6AF1_41C4_ED6B964AA0AD.label = DONATE Button_BEB8DBBD_EEE4_DD42_41D2_A79CA6CB89BE.label = H & R > Button_BEB91BBD_EEE4_DD42_41DE_C0181D7C200A.pressedLabel = HISTORY > Button_BEB91BBD_EEE4_DD42_41DE_C0181D7C200A.label = HISTORY > Button_BEB99BBD_EEE4_DD42_41B7_47353F2F7259.label = NATURE > 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Stojne Nikolova - Krushevo aber pristigna Label_C5CF798E_F87E_3DB7_41A1_F240F6E0EA38.text = Sponsors Label_BB84A842_F87E_7AAC_41AD_607A3DE3661B.text = Sponsors Label_22BB32F4_3075_D173_4191_C8B45B85DEB8.text = {{subtitle}} Label_22BB32F4_3075_D173_4191_C8B45B85DEB8_mobile.text = {{subtitle}} ### Multiline Text HTMLText_67C98230_4559_65FB_41CE_67585C3AAC70.html =
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The town of Bogdanci is located in the area of ​​Bojmija, at the eastern end of the Gevgelija-Valandovo valley, on the right side of Stara Reka, at an altitude of about 80 m. A regional road leads through Bogdanci, which connects it with Gevgelija in the southwest (11 km), and in the northeast with Nov Dojran and Dojran Lake. The climate has changed Mediterranean.

The area of ​​Bogdanci has been inhabited since Roman times, as evidenced by the Bardanov Kamen site 500 m west of the village.

In the XIX century, Bogdanci is a large village within the Gevgelija kaza in the Ottoman Empire.

In 1895 - 1896 a VMORO committee was established in the village, headed by the teacher Atanas Todev from Macukovo, followed by the teachers Ivan Bardarov from Stip, Sava Mihajlov, Hristo Trajkov Lisichkov, Stefan Popivanov and Hristo Gonov.

The village was then severely damaged by the 1931 Valandovo earthquake.

In Bogdanci and its surroundings you can visit:

Archaeological sites:
- Bardanov Kamen - a settlement from Roman times
- Mount Athos - a settlement and necropolis from the late period and an early Christian basilica
- Tomb - a necropolis from late antiquity

- "Crazy Mara"

- Paljurci - an artificial lake on the river "Crazy Mara" east of the city
HTMLText_E4C4BCC6_F960_9FFE_41E1_BA692221CE24.html =

In the museum of the city of Vinica in 25 showcases are exhibited archeological museum objects from prehistory to the late Middle Ages, found at the archeological site Vinica Fortress.

As a special exclusivity in the museum is the largest collection of terracotta icons from the early Christian period in Macedonia.
HTMLText_1E055380_0A69_AF58_4186_C6CA59ADE9C8.html =
Paljurci - artificial lake

The lake was built on the river Luda Mara in 1977 and is located 4 km east of the town of Bogdanci. It has a triangular shape with a direction extending southwest-northeast. The flow of water from the river Luda Mara at the place where the lake is built is 180 m3. Of these, 160 m3 are transferred through the overflow, and 20 m3 are retained in the lake. In dry years, when the lake can not meet the water needs, water is used from the hydro system to save Lake Dojran. Electricity is used to deplete the groundwater, which makes the whole process more expensive compared to the reservoir, where water is provided by gravity. In the vicinity of the lake, on the territory of the Municipality of Bogdanci, other reservoirs have been built. Of these, Taljushnica, Motorna and the Tyrolean intake of the Gabrovska River are associated with the Paljurci reservoir.

Urban equipment has been built on the shores of the lake, which is used for picnics.
The lake is forbidden for swimming.
HTMLText_1E055380_0A69_AF58_4186_C6CA59ADE9C8_mobile.html =
Paljurci - artificial lake

The lake was built on the river Luda Mara in 1977 and is located 4 km east of the town of Bogdanci. It has a triangular shape with a direction extending southwest-northeast. The flow of water from the river Luda Mara at the place where the lake is built is 180 m3. Of these, 160 m3 are transferred through the overflow, and 20 m3 are retained in the lake. In dry years, when the lake can not meet the water needs, water is used from the hydro system to save Lake Dojran. Electricity is used to deplete the groundwater, which makes the whole process more expensive compared to the reservoir, where water is provided by gravity. In the vicinity of the lake, on the territory of the Municipality of Bogdanci, other reservoirs have been built. Of these, Taljushnica, Motorna and the Tyrolean intake of the Gabrovska River are associated with the Paljurci reservoir.

Urban equipment has been built on the shores of the lake, which is used for picnics.
The lake is forbidden for swimming.
HTMLText_CF4D552A_E8FF_6FA7_41CC_86F2A4F0F38F.html =
Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
HTMLText_F6246112_F915_5D44_41E8_484BB49FA5A3.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
art galleries and exhibitions
hotels, restaurants, villas
tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 3,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_F62D9115_F915_5D4C_41B0_4124D38D1156.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
art galleries and exhibitions
hotels, restaurants, villas
tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 2,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_5DD69F6C_E59D_8F8B_41C1_CCD8A5C66817_mobile.html =

The town of Bogdanci is located in the area of ​​Bojmija, at the eastern end of the Gevgelija-Valandovo valley, on the right side of Stara Reka, at an altitude of about 80 m. A regional road leads through Bogdanci, which connects it with Gevgelija in the southwest (11 km), and in the northeast with Nov Dojran and Dojran Lake. The climate has changed Mediterranean.

The area of ​​Bogdanci has been inhabited since Roman times, as evidenced by the Bardanov Kamen site 500 m west of the village.

In the XIX century, Bogdanci is a large village within the Gevgelija kaza in the Ottoman Empire.

In 1895 - 1896 a VMORO committee was established in the village, headed by the teacher Atanas Todev from Macukovo, followed by the teachers Ivan Bardarov from Stip, Sava Mihajlov, Hristo Trajkov Lisichkov, Stefan Popivanov and Hristo Gonov.

The village was then severely damaged by the 1931 Valandovo earthquake.

In Bogdanci and its surroundings you can visit:

Archaeological sites:
Bardanov Kamen - a settlement from Roman times
Mount Athos - a settlement and necropolis from the late period and an early Christian basilica
Tomb - a necropolis from late antiquity

• "Crazy Mara"

Paljurci - an artificial lake on the river "Crazy Mara" east of the city
HTMLText_E4C0C24C_F963_6AF1_41DE_570069FEAEAD.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
• Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
• Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
• settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
• nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
• history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
• religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
• art galleries and exhibitions
• tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 3,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_E4C0E24C_F963_6AF1_41EE_7D3B777F5A51.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
• Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
• Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
• settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
• nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
• history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
• religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
• art galleries and exhibitions
• tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 3,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_CF4D552A_E8FF_6FA7_41CC_86F2A4F0F38F_mobile.html =
Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
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