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Town & Municipality

The city of Debar is located in the Debar Valley (Field), in the extreme western part of Western Macedonia and in general in the Republic of Macedonia near the border with Albania. It is 131 km away from Skopje, and the closest cities to it are Struga (52 km) and Gostivar (71 km). Debar lies in the southeastern part of Debar Field at the foot of Mount Deshat (Krcin) at an altitude of 625 meters. Debar is also surrounded by the mountains Stogovo in the east and Jablanica in the south, which separate the Debar area from the neighboring areas of Kicevo and Drimkol in Struga. The city of Debar is located on the very shore of the artificial Debar Lake, which is laden with the construction of the dam Spilje in 1969 at the confluence (confluence) of the river Radika in the Black Drim, right at the southern end of the city. The mountains and hills Krcin, Tikvarci and Pashina Livada give the city a pretty nice view.

Several rivers pass through Debar, such as Vakufska Reka, Banski Potok, Cincaroska Reka and some smaller ones. The water from these rivers flows into the Black Drim.

What is interesting to see in Debar and the surrounding area:
Lake Debar
Bridge "Elenski Skok"
Amami in Debar: old and new
Old Debar houses
Monastery of St. George the Victorious, village of Rajчиica
The Spas - Banishta and Kosovrasti
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Church "Saint George the Victorious"

was built in 1835, and today it houses a fragment of the Cross on which the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, was crucified, and a part of the hand of St. George, who arrived at the monastery in November 2003 from Mount Athos. The temple is built in the form of a single-nave church, fortified with pilasters in the central part, from where rises a dome with an eight-sided dome. On the western part, there is a trave with a blind dome in the middle and semi-arches on the sides.

The church has a carved iconostasis, which was made in 1835, imperial doors from the 19th century, and on the iconostasis there is a cross with the Crucifixion of Christ in carving, which originates from the 16th century. The fresco painting in the church was started in 1835 by Michael and monk Daniil (son of Michael, whose secular name was Dimitar), and was painted in the period from 1840 to 1852 by Dicho Zograf.
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Gypsum cave Alchija

The most significant natural heritage of this municipality is the gypsum cave Alchija, a protected area of the category natural monument. Its transparent cristals reach a distinguishing length up to 7 meters, which gives an extraordinary beauty to the cave. The cave is located 4 km east of Debar, near the village of Rajchica. With an uncontrolled exploitation of gypsum, as well as the modern crystal export programs, it is
endangered as a geological site.

The cave is build since the time of the Romans. It is located 90-200 m below the surface and almost the whole mountain is filled with gypsum. In this Cave can be found and seen the unique crystal – selenium. The crystal can be found only here and in Mexico. This crystal of selenium is with 99% pureness and cleanliness and it is unique, first of all because of the conditions, the pressure of the earth and the hill, the chemical compound and the thermal water. Just a few meters from the entrance, the cold air can be felt and also the smell of the sulfur that comes from some of the sources of the thermal water in the surrounding area. The temperature in the cave is always 17 degrees Celcius.

This cave is actually a mining shaft owned by KNAUF, and is not a tourist site, that is, it cannot be visited.
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Old traditional house

The house of family Sela in Debar is an excellent example of civic architecture of the 19th century. The house is built and decorated in a specific style ‘a la franc’, while the exterior features and interior elements testify to the way of life of wealthy Muslim families of that time. Particularly important and interesting is the interior decoration in which the paintings, the carved ornaments and the murals intertwine, the specific fireplace deccorated with stucco and also the closets decorated in very specific way.
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Rajchica Monastery

At the entrance to Debar, on the road itself, in the village of Rajchica, there is the Rajchica monastery. This women's monastery is one of the most beautiful Macedonian monasteries, located in beautiful nature, where harmony and peace reign. Regardless of whether you visit it as a stop on the way to Ohrid or are visiting on purpose, this beauty deserves to be seen.

There are four churches in this village. These are: Saint George the Victorious, Saint Barbara, Saint Athanasius and Saint Demetrius. All churches were built at the beginning of the 16th century and have survived to this day. The Rajchica Monastery is a women's monastery and is the sister of the famous and richest Macedonian monastery of St. Jovan Bigorski. Metoh means a monastery built within another larger monastery - as a branch, as a fruit of a larger monastery. It was believed that if monks were ordained in Bigorski, then Rajchica was assigned to be the nuns. It is assumed that it was founded in the beginning of the 14th century.

However, the exact year of construction of the monastery lodgings is 1835, at the time when the abbot of the Bigor Monastery was Archimandrite Arsenij from Galicnik. Like the Bigor monastery, Rajchica is a true spiritual shrine, not only in the Debar-Kicevo diocese, but also in the entire Macedonian Orthodox Church. The prayers of the sisterhood and their hospitality are a true spiritual gift to the Orthodox people and to all worshippers.

In silence and through constant prayers, the diligent hands of the nuns make the unique mitres of the highest quality. The created masterpieces are also in demand by the Orthodox churches in the world. They get inspiration from the grace of the Holy Spirit - enlightenment. They mainly keep the tradition, but there is also freedom in creating the motifs. These works of art rise far above craftsmanship.

The nuns take care of the educational missionary activity of the two monasteries, through the translation and publishing of books and texts with theological themes. Within the monastery there is also a painting workshop, where holy icons are painted, and the sisters are also engaged in sewing mantles and other parts of monastic and priestly clothing. Creative nuns make beautiful Christmas caves, which are intended to replace Christmas trees in homes, as they are much more in the spirit of Orthodoxy.

Feel the special rhythm and calming energy that spreads from this temple, breathe the air, get closer to nature and ask the modest sisters about anything that interests you - they will be happy to answer your questions.

During this period, the monastery is undergoing reconstruction of the buildings and the ground floor is being arranged.
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"The New Hammam"

There is no reliable written information about the construction of the New Amam in Debar. It is located in the central city area of ​​Debar, near the bazaar. On the south side of the hammam are attached a series of shops which is in the context of its location - very close to the city bazaar.

According to the stylistic features of the hammam, the presence of baroque elements in the stone decoration but also its concept, it dates back to the first half of the XVIII century, while the fountain hall, which was an integral part of the hammam, according to the applied building material and masonry is evident. was built in the 19th century.

In the drum of the dome in the fountain hall are written the years 1887 and 1907, which are probably years of some repair or decoration of the building. Conceptually and functionally, the hammam belongs to the developed type of hammams. The clean and clear spatial and functional organization of the hammam, the presence of a floor with a gallery and a drum in the fountain hall, as well as the applied way of construction are features that speak of the experience of building and form and emphasize the values ​​of this hammam.

It is the only one that contains all the necessary functional components. From the fountain hall you can enter the other rooms of the hammam - the hood - dressing room or waiting room in the winter, halvet - the central bathing area which is covered with a dome and which has four smaller halves, and at the end of the east side is the tank for water - haza and fireplace - kulhan. Among other things, its uniqueness lies in the well-preserved "gobek tash" (stone or marble raised bench, located in the middle of the hammam), located in the halve, which was also a place of rest.

In addition to the architectural significance, a special feature of the hammam is the applied decorative processing of stone plastic which is a combination of geometric shapes, especially visible in the processing of corns (sinks) and fountain (fountain). The painted decoration was present in the vault of the drum with richly colored floral and geometric motifs.

The new hammam in Debar is the only hammam in Macedonia that has retained its function for the longest time, ie it was in operation until 1992.

Today the hammam is used as an art gallery .
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Bridge "Elenski Skok" (Deer jump)

Elen Skok (Deer’s Jump) Bridge is one of the most beautiful monuments of the XVIII century architecture and one of the rare bridges of this kind in Macedonia.

It’s located in the scenic nature of the National Park “Mavrovo”, over the rapid waters of Mala Reka river, the bridge captivates with its unusual construction and form that really resembles a deer’s jump.

Built from carved stone with only one arch according to the plans and by Mimar Hajrudin - architect of the Old Neretva Bridge in Mostar and a student of the famous architect Mimar Sinan.
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Church "Saint George the Victorious"

was built in 1835, and today it houses a fragment of the Cross on which the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, was crucified, and a part of the hand of St. George, who arrived at the monastery in November 2003 from Mount Athos. The temple is built in the form of a single-nave church, fortified with pilasters in the central part, from where rises a dome with an eight-sided dome. On the western part, there is a trave with a blind dome in the middle and semi-arches on the sides.

The church has a carved iconostasis, which was made in 1835, imperial doors from the 19th century, and on the iconostasis there is a cross with the Crucifixion of Christ in carving, which originates from the 16th century. The fresco painting in the church was started in 1835 by Michael and monk Daniil (son of Michael, whose secular name was Dimitar), and was painted in the period from 1840 to 1852 by Dicho Zograf.
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Gypsum cave Alchija

The most significant natural heritage of this municipality is the gypsum cave Alchija, a protected area of the category natural monument. Its transparent cristals reach a distinguishing length up to 7 meters, which gives an extraordinary beauty to the cave. The cave is located 4 km east of Debar, near the village of Rajchica. With an uncontrolled exploitation of gypsum, as well as the modern crystal export programs, it is
endangered as a geological site.

The cave is build since the time of the Romans. It is located 90-200 m below the surface and almost the whole mountain is filled with gypsum. In this Cave can be found and seen the unique crystal – selenium. The crystal can be found only here and in Mexico. This crystal of selenium is with 99% pureness and cleanliness and it is unique, first of all because of the conditions, the pressure of the earth and the hill, the chemical compound and the thermal water. Just a few meters from the entrance, the cold air can be felt and also the smell of the sulfur that comes from some of the sources of the thermal water in the surrounding area. The temperature in the cave is always 17 degrees Celcius.

This cave is actually a mining shaft owned by KNAUF, and is not a tourist site, that is, it cannot be visited.
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Hynqar Mosque

The oldest Islamic sacral building in Debar is the Hynqar Mosque, originating from the second half of 15th century, although it was radically renovated during the 1950`s of 20th century, loosing part of its monumental values.

According to the inscription that is placed above the entrance of the mosque, written in an incorrect sulus letter in five lines, the mosque was built in the period from 1467-68. The year of its restoration is also written as 1938.

Hynqar Mosque was built as a sequel to Mehmed II (1451-1481). It is located in a spacious courtyard with numerous older tombs with tombstones with rich decorative processing. The temple is a building with a rectangular base with dimensions of 12.70 x 9.38 meters covered with a roof of four waters. As a remnant of the authentic building is the harim - the prayer space, where the old walls and window shapes have preserved their original shape and layout.

Inside is a mihrab - a niche with a modest stalactite decoration. The pulpit and the mahvil were later rebuilt. The wooden ceiling was probably restored during repairs in 1941. The porch, located on the northwest side, was added with later interventions and renovations of the building. Research has shown that the porch, carried on ten circular pillars, was closed probably during the repairs of the mosque before the Second World War, ie nine window openings were placed between the pillars and the whole porch is covered with the same roof of the mosque.

The slender minaret, which is located on the southwest side of the mosque, placed on a square pedestal, dominates with its height, emphasizing the vertical accent of the mosque. The body of the minaret is polygonal which passes through the stalactite decoration into the sheriff. Although the mosque has modest architectural and decorative elements, it is a reflection of the local construction from the second half of the XV century where pure and precise forms dominate.

The tomb of Shaban Baba is located in the courtyard of the Fatih Sultan Mehmed Mosque. The turbine is an open turbine type with an octagonal base. Polygonal columns that form the turbe are interconnected by arched arches. The tomb was built of well-worked stone squares, which speaks of the meaning it has, ie the meaning of the persons buried in it. Two tombs are placed in the tomb. From the inscription of one of them we learn that it belongs to Shaban-baba, but no information when it was erected. However, according to the stylistic features, it was built in the XVIII or at the beginning of the XIX century, a time when the tomb of Kaplan Pasha was erected in Tirana, which has the same stylistic-architectural features. The existence of the turbe as well as the way the minaret was built indicate the possible existence of an older cult building at this place.
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Monument of Gjergj Kastrioti - Skenderbeg

Gjergj Kastrioti (1405 – 17 January 1468), commonly known as Skenderbeg (Albanian: Skënderbeu or Skënderbej), was an Albanian feudal lord and military commander who led a rebellion against the Ottoman Empire in what is today Albania, North Macedonia, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia.

A member of the noble Kastrioti family, he was sent as a hostage to the Ottoman court. He was educated there and entered the service of the Ottoman sultan for the next twenty years. His rise through the ranks culminated in his appointment as sanjakbey (governor) of the Sanjak of Dibra in 1440. In 1443, during the Battle of Niš, he deserted the Ottomans and became the ruler of Krujë and the nearby areas extending from central Albania to Sfetigrad, and Modrič. In 1444, with support from local nobles and the Catholic Church in Albania, a general council of Albanian aristocracy was held in the city of Lezhë (under Venetian control). The council proclaimed a union (known in historiography as League of Lezhë) of the small Albanian principalities and fiefdoms under Skanderbeg as its sole leader. This was the first time much of Albania was united under a single leader.

Despite his military valor he was only able to hold his own possessions within the very small area in today's northern Albania where almost all of his victories against the Ottomans took place. Skanderbeg's military skills presented a major obstacle to Ottoman expansion, and many in western Europe considered him to be a model of Christian resistance against Muslims. For 25 years, from 1443 to 1468, Skanderbeg's 10,000-man army marched through Ottoman territory, winning against consistently larger and better-supplied Ottoman forces. He was greatly admired for this.

Skanderbeg always signed himself in Latin: Dominus Albaniae ("Lord of Albania"), and claimed no other titles but that in surviving documents. In 1451, through the Treaty of Gaeta, he recognized de jure the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Naples over Albania, ensuring a protective alliance, although he remained a de facto independent ruler. In 1460–61, he supported Ferdinand I of Naples in his wars and led an expedition against John of Anjou and the barons who supported John's claim to the throne of Naples.

In 1463, he became the chief commander of the crusading forces of Pope Pius II, but the Pope died while the armies were still gathering. Together with Venetians, he fought against the Ottomans during the Ottoman–Venetian War (1463–1479) until his death in January 1468. He ranks high in the military history of that time as the most persistent—and ever-victorious—opponent of the Ottoman Empire in its heyday. He became a central figure in the Albanian National Awakening in the 19th century. He is honored in modern Albania, and is commemorated with many monuments and cultural works.
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Old traditional house

The house of family Sela in Debar is an exelent example of civic architecture of the 19th century. The house is built
and decorated in a specific style ‘a la franc’, while the exterior features and interior elements testify to the way of life of wealthy Muslim families of that time. Particularly important and interesting is the interior decoration in which the paintings, the carved ornaments and the murals intertwine, the specific fireplace deccorated with stucco and also the closets decorated in very specific way.
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Rajchica Monastery

At the entrance to Debar, on the road itself, in the village of Rajchica, there is the Rajchica monastery. This women's monastery is one of the most beautiful Macedonian monasteries, located in beautiful nature, where harmony and peace reign. Regardless of whether you visit it as a stop on the way to Ohrid or are visiting on purpose, this beauty deserves to be seen.

There are four churches in this village. These are: Saint George the Victorious, Saint Barbara, Saint Athanasius and Saint Demetrius. All churches were built at the beginning of the 16th century and have survived to this day. The Rajchica Monastery is a women's monastery and is the sister of the famous and richest Macedonian monastery of St. Jovan Bigorski. Metoh means a monastery built within another larger monastery - as a branch, as a fruit of a larger monastery. It was believed that if monks were ordained in Bigorski, then Rajchica was assigned to be the nuns. It is assumed that it was founded in the beginning of the 14th century.

However, the exact year of construction of the monastery lodgings is 1835, at the time when the abbot of the Bigor Monastery was Archimandrite Arsenij from Galicnik. Like the Bigor monastery, Rajchica is a true spiritual shrine, not only in the Debar-Kicevo diocese, but also in the entire Macedonian Orthodox Church. The prayers of the sisterhood and their hospitality are a true spiritual gift to the Orthodox people and to all worshippers.

In silence and through constant prayers, the diligent hands of the nuns make the unique mitres of the highest quality. The created masterpieces are also in demand by the Orthodox churches in the world. They get inspiration from the grace of the Holy Spirit - enlightenment. They mainly keep the tradition, but there is also freedom in creating the motifs. These works of art rise far above craftsmanship.

The nuns take care of the educational missionary activity of the two monasteries, through the translation and publishing of books and texts with theological themes. Within the monastery there is also a painting workshop, where holy icons are painted, and the sisters are also engaged in sewing mantles and other parts of monastic and priestly clothing. Creative nuns make beautiful Christmas caves, which are intended to replace Christmas trees in homes, as they are much more in the spirit of Orthodoxy.

Feel the special rhythm and calming energy that spreads from this temple, breathe the air, get closer to nature and ask the modest sisters about anything that interests you - they will be happy to answer your questions.

During this period, the monastery is undergoing reconstruction of the buildings and the ground floor is being arranged.
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"The New Hammam"

There is no reliable written information about the construction of the New Amam in Debar. It is located in the central city area of ​​Debar, near the bazaar. On the south side of the hammam are attached a series of shops which is in the context of its location - very close to the city bazaar.

According to the stylistic features of the hammam, the presence of baroque elements in the stone decoration but also its concept, it dates back to the first half of the XVIII century, while the fountain hall, which was an integral part of the hammam, according to the applied building material and masonry is evident. was built in the 19th century.

In the drum of the dome in the fountain hall are written the years 1887 and 1907, which are probably years of some repair or decoration of the building. Conceptually and functionally, the hammam belongs to the developed type of hammams. The clean and clear spatial and functional organization of the hammam, the presence of a floor with a gallery and a drum in the fountain hall, as well as the applied way of construction are features that speak of the experience of building and form and emphasize the values ​​of this hammam.

It is the only one that contains all the necessary functional components. From the fountain hall you can enter the other rooms of the hammam - the hood - dressing room or waiting room in the winter, halvet - the central bathing area which is covered with a dome and which has four smaller halves, and at the end of the east side is the tank for water - haza and fireplace - kulhan. Among other things, its uniqueness lies in the well-preserved "gobek tash" (stone or marble raised bench, located in the middle of the hammam), located in the halve, which was also a place of rest.

In addition to the architectural significance, a special feature of the hammam is the applied decorative processing of stone plastic which is a combination of geometric shapes, especially visible in the processing of corns (sinks) and fountain (fountain). The painted decoration was present in the vault of the drum with richly colored floral and geometric motifs.

The new hammam in Debar is the only hammam in Macedonia that has retained its function for the longest time, ie it was in operation until 1992.

Today the hammam is used as an art gallery.
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Bridge "Elenski Skok" (Deer jump)

Elen Skok (Deer’s Jump) Bridge is one of the most beautiful monuments of the XVIII century architecture and one of the rare bridges of this kind in Macedonia.

It’s located in the scenic nature of the National Park “Mavrovo”, over the rapid waters of Mala Reka river, the bridge captivates with its unusual construction and form that really resembles a deer’s jump.

Built from carved stone with only one arch according to the plans and by Mimar Hajrudin - architect of the Old Neretva Bridge in Mostar and a student of the famous architect Mimar Sinan.
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Gjergj Kastrioti - Skenderbeg

Gjergj Kastrioti (1405 – 17 January 1468), commonly known as Skenderbeg (Albanian: Skënderbeu or Skënderbej), was an Albanian feudal lord and military commander who led a rebellion against the Ottoman Empire in what is today Albania, North Macedonia, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia.

A member of the noble Kastrioti family, he was sent as a hostage to the Ottoman court. He was educated there and entered the service of the Ottoman sultan for the next twenty years. His rise through the ranks culminated in his appointment as sanjakbey (governor) of the Sanjak of Dibra in 1440. In 1443, during the Battle of Niš, he deserted the Ottomans and became the ruler of Krujë and the nearby areas extending from central Albania to Sfetigrad, and Modrič. In 1444, with support from local nobles and the Catholic Church in Albania, a general council of Albanian aristocracy was held in the city of Lezhë (under Venetian control). The council proclaimed a union (known in historiography as League of Lezhë) of the small Albanian principalities and fiefdoms under Skanderbeg as its sole leader. This was the first time much of Albania was united under a single leader.

Despite his military valor he was only able to hold his own possessions within the very small area in today's northern Albania where almost all of his victories against the Ottomans took place. Skanderbeg's military skills presented a major obstacle to Ottoman expansion, and many in western Europe considered him to be a model of Christian resistance against Muslims. For 25 years, from 1443 to 1468, Skanderbeg's 10,000-man army marched through Ottoman territory, winning against consistently larger and better-supplied Ottoman forces. He was greatly admired for this.

Skanderbeg always signed himself in Latin: Dominus Albaniae ("Lord of Albania"), and claimed no other titles but that in surviving documents. In 1451, through the Treaty of Gaeta, he recognized de jure the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Naples over Albania, ensuring a protective alliance, although he remained a de facto independent ruler. In 1460–61, he supported Ferdinand I of Naples in his wars and led an expedition against John of Anjou and the barons who supported John's claim to the throne of Naples.

In 1463, he became the chief commander of the crusading forces of Pope Pius II, but the Pope died while the armies were still gathering. Together with Venetians, he fought against the Ottomans during the Ottoman–Venetian War (1463–1479) until his death in January 1468. He ranks high in the military history of that time as the most persistent—and ever-victorious—opponent of the Ottoman Empire in its heyday. He became a central figure in the Albanian National Awakening in the 19th century. He is honored in modern Albania, and is commemorated with many monuments and cultural works.
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Hynqar Mosque

The oldest Islamic sacral building in
Debar is the Hynqar Mosque, originating
from the second half of 15th century,
although it was radically renovated
during the 1950`s of 20th century,
loosing part of its monumental values.

According to the inscription that is placed above the entrance of the mosque, written in an incorrect sulus letter in five lines, the mosque was built in the period from 1467-68. The year of its restoration is also written as 1938.

Hynqar Mosque was built as a sequel to Mehmed II (1451-1481). It is located in a spacious courtyard with numerous older tombs with tombstones with rich decorative processing. The temple is a building with a rectangular base with dimensions of 12.70 x 9.38 meters covered with a roof of four waters. As a remnant of the authentic building is the harim - the prayer space, where the old walls and window shapes have preserved their original shape and layout.

Inside is a mihrab - a niche with a modest stalactite decoration. The pulpit and the mahvil were later rebuilt. The wooden ceiling was probably restored during repairs in 1941. The porch, located on the northwest side, was added with later interventions and renovations of the building. Research has shown that the porch, carried on ten circular pillars, was closed probably during the repairs of the mosque before the Second World War, ie nine window openings were placed between the pillars and the whole porch is covered with the same roof of the mosque.

The slender minaret, which is located on the southwest side of the mosque, placed on a square pedestal, dominates with its height, emphasizing the vertical accent of the mosque. The body of the minaret is polygonal which passes through the stalactite decoration into the sheriff. Although the mosque has modest architectural and decorative elements, it is a reflection of the local construction from the second half of the XV century where pure and precise forms dominate.

The tomb of Shaban Baba is located in the courtyard of the Fatih Sultan Mehmed Mosque. The turbine is an open turbine type with an octagonal base. Polygonal columns that form the turbe are interconnected by arched arches. The tomb was built of well-worked stone squares, which speaks of the meaning it has, ie the meaning of the persons buried in it. Two tombs are placed in the tomb. From the inscription of one of them we learn that it belongs to Shaban-baba, but no information when it was erected. However, according to the stylistic features, it was built in the XVIII or at the beginning of the XIX century, a time when the tomb of Kaplan Pasha was erected in Tirana, which has the same stylistic-architectural features. The existence of the turbe as well as the way the minaret was built indicate the possible existence of an older cult building at this place.
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Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
HTMLText_F6246112_F915_5D44_41E8_484BB49FA5A3.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
art galleries and exhibitions
hotels, restaurants, villas
tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 3,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_F62D9115_F915_5D4C_41B0_4124D38D1156.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
art galleries and exhibitions
hotels, restaurants, villas
tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 2,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_5DD69F6C_E59D_8F8B_41C1_CCD8A5C66817_mobile.html =
Town & Municipality

The city of Debar is located in the Debar Valley (Field), in the extreme western part of Western Macedonia and in general in the Republic of Macedonia near the border with Albania. It is 131 km away from Skopje, and the closest cities to it are Struga (52 km) and Gostivar (71 km). Debar lies in the southeastern part of Debar Field at the foot of Mount Deshat (Krcin) at an altitude of 625 meters. Debar is also surrounded by the mountains Stogovo in the east and Jablanica in the south, which separate the Debar area from the neighboring areas of Kicevo and Drimkol in Struga. The city of Debar is located on the very shore of the artificial Debar Lake, which is laden with the construction of the dam Spilje in 1969 at the confluence (confluence) of the river Radika in the Black Drim, right at the southern end of the city. The mountains and hills Krcin, Tikvarci and Pashina Livada give the city a pretty nice view.

Several rivers pass through Debar, such as Vakufska Reka, Banski Potok, Cincaroska Reka and some smaller ones. The water from these rivers flows into the Black Drim.

What is interesting to see in Debar and the surrounding area:
Lake Debar
Bridge "Elenski Skok"
Amami in Debar: old and new
Old Debar houses
Monastery of St. George the Victorious, village of Rajchica
The Spas - Banishta and Kosovrasti

Debar has great natural and cultural wealth. The Deshat mountain range starts with Velivar and Deshat creating a “cap” for the city of Debar,with snow in winter and greenery and coolness in summer. Velivar Mountain is 2369 m high and is located almost in the middle of Deshat. It is an attraction for mountaineering / climbing amateurs and is listed on the International Map of the National Geospace Agency.

The natural landscape is rich with steep cliffs, caves, numerous water sources (mountain streams and waterfalls) and very rich flora and fauna.
HTMLText_E4C0C24C_F963_6AF1_41DE_570069FEAEAD.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
• Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
• Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
• settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
• nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
• history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
• religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
• art galleries and exhibitions
• tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 3,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_E4C0E24C_F963_6AF1_41EE_7D3B777F5A51.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
• Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
• Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
• settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
• nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
• history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
• religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
• art galleries and exhibitions
• tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 3,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_CF4D552A_E8FF_6FA7_41CC_86F2A4F0F38F_mobile.html =
Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
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Supported by the Municipality of Debar
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