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Kratovo is located in the northeastern part of Macedonia, between the municipalities of Kriva Palanka, Probistip, Sveti Nikole, Kumanovo and Kocani, in the western part of the mountain Osogovo, in the crater of an extinct volcano. The Kratovska River and three smaller rivers flow through it. It is one of the oldest cities in Macedonia and the Balkans. The name Kratovo comes from the location of the city, which lies on a volcanic base, ie volcanic crater.

The area has been inhabited since Roman times. The city was known as the mining town of Kratishkara, which belonged to the Roman province of Dardania. In Byzantine times, Kratovo was known as "Koritos" or "Coriton", which explains its location, "the riverbed in which the city is located". As a testimony to the life and importance of Kratovo in the ancient and medieval period as an important mining center, are the remains of the mines and the large number of underground tunnels and passages that connected them and from which the ore was excavated and transported.

During the reign of Stefan Nemanja, in 1189, Kratovo was annexed to Serbia, under Serbian rule, the city was ruled by Despot Jovan Oliver.

The existence of Kratovo was told by Homer's epic "Iliad" in VI BC. Coins from the time of Adolion Paionski, a king who ruled from 315 to 285 BC, also serve as evidence. At that time, the city traded in gold, silver and copper.

Kratovo has the following cultural institutions:
museum of the city of Kratovo,
the house of culture and
the city library.

There are three Orthodox churches in Kratovo. During Turkish rule, the city had over 20 churches, of which remains have been found.

The church "St. Nikola Chudotvorec ”in Customs Maala, renovated in 1848.
The church "St. Jovan Pretecha ”in the Ribarsko maalo (work of the Mijak master Andreja Damjanov), restored in 1836. and
The church "St. Gjorgji Kratovski ”located in the old cemetery. It was dedicated to the only martyr, proclaimed a saint from Kratovo from the XVI century "St. Gjorgji Kratovski ”, who due to his faith in Christianity was burned in 1515. in Sofia. In his honor and glory and in honor of the step into the third Christian Millennium, the Municipal Council of Kratovo declared the holiday "St. George Kratovski" as the patron saint of the city which is celebrated on February 24, and Saint "St. George Kratovski" became his patron saint. of the city and the municipality and a monument was erected in his honor in the center of Kratovo.

In the center of the city is the bust of the shipwright Pavel Shatev.

Archaeological sites
Dupka - Talashmanci - a necropolis from the late Hellenistic and Roman times;
Railway - Ravnishte - a necropolis from Roman times;
Kratovo - a settlement from the late Hellenistic and Roman times;
Kratovo - medieval necropolis.
HTMLText_E4C4BCC6_F960_9FFE_41E1_BA692221CE24.html =

In the museum of the city of Vinica in 25 showcases are exhibited archeological museum objects from prehistory to the late Middle Ages, found at the archeological site Vinica Fortress.

As a special exclusivity in the museum is the largest collection of terracotta icons from the early Christian period in Macedonia.
HTMLText_1E055380_0A69_AF58_4186_C6CA59ADE9C8.html =

It is located southwest of the town of Vinica, to the left of Gradechka Reka, on an irregularly shaped hill, elongated in the southeast-northwest direction, with an altitude of 400 m. It is surrounded by steep sides with the exception of the southeast which with a deep and wide artificial trench separates it from the adjacent height. It has an uneven peak, with a slope to the northwest, where the height difference reaches up to ten meters. The size of the space occupied by the remains of the fortification has approximate dimensions of 250 × 150 m, which is about 2.5 ha. According to the surface remains, the settlement spread on the slopes of the hill, as well as on the surrounding hills. With its height and position, the site dominates over the area of ​​Vinica, and has a beautiful view over the riverbed of Bregalnica.

Vinica Fortress as an archeological site was discovered in 1954 by M. Grbiќ, under the name "Gradi “te", and later, in 1958, M. and D. Garashanin introduced the term "Kale Bair". Interest in his research arose in 1978, when archaeologist C. Krstevski brought to the Museum of Macedonia five fragments of terracotta reliefs with iconographic representations, hitherto unknown, especially interesting for the study of the early Christian period.

Thus, since 1985, archaeological excavations have begun that continue unabated to this day. At the beginning, as a protective, and later systematically, with these excavations, the relative stratigraphy of the site was found. According to the archeological findings, especially the ceramic ones, the life in the settlement took place in a long continuity, from the Neolithic period until the full Middle Ages, with the difference that the most numerous architectural remains from the late antique period (IV century-V century). Remains of walls of several buildings of a profane character were discovered, with organized porches, "benches" for sitting, warehouses, built of stone and lime mortar, which in some places have been preserved up to 4 m high. Swimming pool, prefurnium, plumbing installations and more were found in some of them. The buildings were erected next to the defensive wall, part of which was discovered along with a semicircular tower. The wall is made of crushed stone and lime mortar, and its width is 3 m.

It is important to mention that in the rubble between the walls was found a large number of whole and fragmented replicas of terracotta icons, with invaluable archaeological, artistic and theological value dimensions. Near the middle of the site are very poorly preserved remains of the walls of a small medieval church, much earlier excavated by "wild diggers" - gold diggers. A large number of samples of architectural plastic were discovered around the church, including columns, bases, capitals, parts of the chancel, transes, floor tiles, etc., and from the moving material fragments of ceramic vessels, bronze objects, iron and bone, then jewelry. , coins and more. A rich female tomb from the 12th century was discovered and excavated, in which 9 glass and 4 bronze gilded bracelets, 11 bronze rings (several gilded) and a bone object (needle) were found.

HTMLText_E4C4BCC6_F960_9FFE_41E1_BA692221CE24_mobile.html =

In the museum of the city of Vinica in 25 showcases are exhibited archeological museum objects from prehistory to the late Middle Ages, found at the archeological site Vinica Fortress.

As a special exclusivity in the museum is the largest collection of terracotta icons from the early Christian period in Macedonia.
HTMLText_CF4D552A_E8FF_6FA7_41CC_86F2A4F0F38F.html =
Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
HTMLText_F6246112_F915_5D44_41E8_484BB49FA5A3.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
art galleries and exhibitions
hotels, restaurants, villas
tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 3,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_F62D9115_F915_5D4C_41B0_4124D38D1156.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
art galleries and exhibitions
hotels, restaurants, villas
tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 2,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_967BF083_8591_B3EA_41B8_568A23BCC91E_mobile.html =

It is located southwest of the town of Vinica, to the left of Gradechka Reka, on an irregularly shaped hill, elongated in the southeast-northwest direction, with an altitude of 400 m. It is surrounded by steep sides with the exception of the southeast which with a deep and wide artificial trench separates it from the adjacent height. It has an uneven peak, with a slope to the northwest, where the height difference reaches up to ten meters. The size of the space occupied by the remains of the fortification has approximate dimensions of 250 × 150 m, which is about 2.5 ha. According to the surface remains, the settlement spread on the slopes of the hill, as well as on the surrounding hills. With its height and position, the site dominates over the area of ​​Vinica, and has a beautiful view over the riverbed of Bregalnica.

Vinica Fortress as an archeological site was discovered in 1954 by M. Grbiќ, under the name "Gradi “te", and later, in 1958, M. and D. Garashanin introduced the term "Kale Bair". Interest in his research arose in 1978, when archaeologist C. Krstevski brought to the Museum of Macedonia five fragments of terracotta reliefs with iconographic representations, hitherto unknown, especially interesting for the study of the early Christian period.

Thus, since 1985, archaeological excavations have begun that continue unabated to this day. At the beginning, as a protective, and later systematically, with these excavations, the relative stratigraphy of the site was found. According to the archeological findings, especially the ceramic ones, the life in the settlement took place in a long continuity, from the Neolithic period until the full Middle Ages, with the difference that the most numerous architectural remains from the late antique period (IV century-V century). Remains of walls of several buildings of a profane character were discovered, with organized porches, "benches" for sitting, warehouses, built of stone and lime mortar, which in some places have been preserved up to 4 m high. Swimming pool, prefurnium, plumbing installations and more were found in some of them. The buildings were erected next to the defensive wall, part of which was discovered along with a semicircular tower. The wall is made of crushed stone and lime mortar, and its width is 3 m. It is important to mention that in the rubble between the walls was found a large number of whole and fragmented replicas of terracotta icons, with invaluable archaeological, artistic and theological value dimensions. Near the middle of the site are very poorly preserved remains of the walls of a small medieval church, much earlier excavated by "wild diggers" - gold diggers. A large number of samples of architectural plastic were discovered around the church, including columns, bases, capitals, parts of the chancel, transes, floor tiles, etc., and from the moving material fragments of ceramic vessels, bronze objects, iron and bone, then jewelry. , coins and more. A rich female tomb from the 12th century was discovered and excavated, in which 9 glass and 4 bronze gilded bracelets, 11 bronze rings (several gilded) and a bone object (needle) were found.
HTMLText_5DD69F6C_E59D_8F8B_41C1_CCD8A5C66817_mobile.html =

Kratovo is located in the northeastern part of Macedonia, between the municipalities of Kriva Palanka, Probistip, Sveti Nikole, Kumanovo and Kocani, in the western part of the mountain Osogovo, in the crater of an extinct volcano. The Kratovska River and three smaller rivers flow through it. It is one of the oldest cities in Macedonia and the Balkans. The name Kratovo comes from the location of the city, which lies on a volcanic base, ie volcanic crater.

The area has been inhabited since Roman times. The city was known as the mining town of Kratishkara, which belonged to the Roman province of Dardania. In Byzantine times, Kratovo was known as "Koritos" or "Coriton", which explains its location, "the riverbed in which the city is located". As a testimony to the life and importance of Kratovo in the ancient and medieval period as an important mining center, are the remains of the mines and the large number of underground tunnels and passages that connected them and from which the ore was excavated and transported.

During the reign of Stefan Nemanja, in 1189, Kratovo was annexed to Serbia, under Serbian rule, the city was ruled by Despot Jovan Oliver.

The existence of Kratovo was told by Homer's epic "Iliad" in VI BC. Coins from the time of Adolion Paionski, a king who ruled from 315 to 285 BC, also serve as evidence. At that time, the city traded in gold, silver and copper.

Kratovo has the following cultural institutions:
• museum of the city of Kratovo,
• the house of culture and
• the city library.

There are three Orthodox churches in Kratovo. During Turkish rule, the city had over 20 churches, of which remains have been found.

• The church "St. Nikola Chudotvorec ”in Customs Maala, renovated in 1848.
• The church "St. Jovan Pretecha ”in the Ribarsko maalo (work of the Mijak master Andreja Damjanov), restored in 1836. and
• The church "St. Gjorgji Kratovski ”located in the old cemetery. It was dedicated to the only martyr, proclaimed a saint from Kratovo from the XVI century "St. Gjorgji Kratovski ”, who due to his faith in Christianity was burned in 1515. in Sofia. In his honor and glory and in honor of the step into the third Christian Millennium, the Municipal Council of Kratovo declared the holiday "St. George Kratovski" as the patron saint of the city which is celebrated on February 24, and Saint "St. George Kratovski" became his patron saint. of the city and the municipality and a monument was erected in his honor in the center of Kratovo.

In the center of the city is the bust of the shipwright Pavel Shatev.

Archaeological sites
• Dupka - Talashmanci - a necropolis from the late Hellenistic and Roman times;
• Railway - Ravnishte - a necropolis from Roman times;
• Kratovo - a settlement from the late Hellenistic and Roman times;
• Kratovo - medieval necropolis.

HTMLText_E4C0C24C_F963_6AF1_41DE_570069FEAEAD.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
• Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
• Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
• settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
• nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
• history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
• religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
• art galleries and exhibitions
• tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 3,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_E4C0E24C_F963_6AF1_41EE_7D3B777F5A51.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
• Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
• Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
• settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
• nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
• history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
• religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
• art galleries and exhibitions
• tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 3,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_CF4D552A_E8FF_6FA7_41CC_86F2A4F0F38F_mobile.html =
Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
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