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Label_A8D6B30D_8F27_CDBF_41DB_64AE5A693C04.text = Find accommodation Label_22BB22F4_3075_D173_41BB_3ACDC6CCCC83.text = MAVROVO Label_61713660_455B_2D9C_41CD_7A67EAA58FBD.text = MAVROVO Label_22BB22F4_3075_D173_41BB_3ACDC6CCCC83_mobile.text = MAVROVO Label_0B926BF9_1C85_1100_41B4_95013C7155C9.text = Music: Stojne Nikolova - Krushevo aber pristigna Label_04873FBD_1C8D_1100_41AE_86A059AF403B.text = Music: Stojne Nikolova - Krushevo aber pristigna Label_BB84A842_F87E_7AAC_41AD_607A3DE3661B.text = Sponsors Label_C5CF798E_F87E_3DB7_41A1_F240F6E0EA38.text = Sponsors Label_22BB32F4_3075_D173_4191_C8B45B85DEB8.text = Tourist Center Label_22BB32F4_3075_D173_4191_C8B45B85DEB8_mobile.text = Tourist Center ### Multiline Text HTMLText_67C98230_4559_65FB_41CE_67585C3AAC70.html =
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At 1.220 meters above sea level, Krushevo is the only mountain town in Macedonia and the hight-altitude town on the Balkans.
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Source: Vikipedia...
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Church St. Sophia

A cathedral church St. Sophia in the old part of the city of Ohrid is dedicated to Christ as Divine Wisdom. This church is one of the most important landmarks in Macedonia with its medieval architecture and frescoes.

This is one of the largest medieval churches in the area. For a long time it was the cathedral church of the Ohrid Archbishopric, which extended its ecclesiastical authority to the territory north of the Danube, to the Albanian coast to the west and to the Gulf of Thessaloniki to the east.

In addition to its importance as a landmark, the interior of the church and its courtyard and colonnade are an important place for cultural events such as concerts and plays.

In the second half of the 15th century, the church was converted into a mosque and then major changes were made. All the frescoes were covered with lime, the church dome was whitewashed and flattened, while the old altar marble partition with plastic decoration was removed, and from the marble in the nave to the southwest a mimbar was erected, and above the northwestern cubes 1 minaret was erected. ]

In the middle of the 19th century, the prominent Russian Slavist Viktor Grigorovich stayed in Ohrid. An epochal discovery of the Slavist Viktor Grigorovich was the discovery of the manuscripts of the "Extensive Life" for St. Kliment Ohridski from the Ohrid Archbishop Theophylact from the XII century and the Short Biography of St. Clement of Ohrid by Archbishop Dimitrij Homatijan from the 13th century in the Ohrid church of St. Mother of God Peribleptos.

During 1912. was used as a weapons depot.

mmediately after World War II, measures were taken to preserve this monument from further collapse. In 1949, the frescoes, which had been whitewashed by the Ottomans, began to be cleaned. At the same time, they were copied for the exhibition "Medieval Art of the Peoples of Yugoslavia", which took place at the Chajo Palace in Paris.

During the systematic work conducted by the experts of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Macedonia, which began in 1951 and ended after six years, all the frescoes and the same protected from further collapse were discovered. They were removed from the south wall according to the latest conservation methods used in Italy.

With the help of special rams they were brought back to their places. This removal of the frescoes was necessary so as not to damage the return of the south wall, which was tilted 60 cm, so that there was a danger of its collapse. The return of the wall was done in 1953 in the most modern way.

The frescoes were cleaned and preserved, and architectural work was carried out. The frescoes of this church were of top achievement in medieval painting in Macedonia and beyond. That is the time when Ohrid was under the direct rule of the Constantinople Patriarchate. These are the most important preserved parts of Byzantine monumental painting. The painter of the fresco, Archbishop Leo, one of the most educated people of the time, directly influenced the choice of compositions painted in the 11th century.

The interior of the church is preserved with its frescoes from the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries, which represent the peak of Byzantine fresco painting in its time. The main part of the church was built in the 11th century, while the external renovations were built by order of Archbishop Gregory I in the 14th century.
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Old Part of OHRID

From here you can see the largest church of St. Sophia, and many other smaller churches, ancient theater, Dolni Saraj, and on the top is the fortress of Tsar Samuel.
HTMLText_61F427D2_7C86_91EE_41DC_C046A456455F.html =
This is a 360° Virtual tour guide of North Macedonian tourist places: cities, villages, ski resorts, hotels, museums, monuments, rivers, canyons, beautiful nature and more … with a lot text informations, photos and videos…

This project is not funded by the Government of R. North Macedonia.
If you want to support this Project to grow, please contact me.

Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk

HTMLText_17528AC5_57D1_805F_41CC_502F9EE91657_mobile.html =
„Sharko's hole“

The cave "Sharkova Dupka", which is open to tourists, is located near the parking lot of the ski center. It is protected by an iron door and bars, and inside there are semicircular metal stairs and it is fully lit with spotlights.

The cave is located at a depth of twenty meters from the entrance to it, it is about 18 meters wide and 25 meters long. In the lower part of it there is an opening that leads to two more cave halls that are still inaccessible to tourists.

The cave was discovered more than three decades ago by the local population who were then afraid to enter it. According to one of the stories related to the discovery of the cave, the villager nicknamed Sharko, who lived near the cave, was the first to gather courage. He cut down some trees, lowered them into the hole and, with the help of ropes and neighbors, managed to get inside the cave. Since then, the cave has been called "Sharkova Dupka".

The cave is rich in figures created by stalactites and stalgmites. Because the soil is rich in iron, most of the ornaments have a characteristic reddish-brown color.

The cave has a variety of wildlife: bats, spiders, lizards, various species of insects.
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„Sharko's hole“

The cave "Sharkova Dupka", which is open to tourists, is located near the parking lot of the ski center. It is protected by an iron door and bars, and inside there are semicircular metal stairs and it is fully lit with spotlights.

The cave is located at a depth of twenty meters from the entrance to it, it is about 18 meters wide and 25 meters long. In the lower part of it there is an opening that leads to two more cave halls that are still inaccessible to tourists.

The cave was discovered more than three decades ago by the local population who were then afraid to enter it. According to one of the stories related to the discovery of the cave, the villager nicknamed Sharko, who lived near the cave, was the first to gather courage. He cut down some trees, lowered them into the hole and, with the help of ropes and neighbors, managed to get inside the cave. Since then, the cave has been called "Sharkova Dupka".

The cave is rich in figures created by stalactites and stalgmites. Because the soil is rich in iron, most of the ornaments have a characteristic reddish-brown color.

The cave has a variety of wildlife: bats, spiders, lizards, various species of insects.
HTMLText_1752BAC5_57D1_805F_41C3_4D3FE0C946A5.html =
„Sharko's hole“

The cave "Sharko's hole", which is open to tourists, is located near the parking lot of the ski center. It is protected by an iron door and bars, and inside there are semicircular metal stairs and it is fully lit with spotlights.

The cave is located at a depth of twenty meters from the entrance to it, it is about 18 meters wide and 25 meters long. In the lower part of it there is an opening that leads to two more cave halls that are still inaccessible to tourists.

The cave was discovered more than three decades ago by the local population who were then afraid to enter it. According to one of the stories related to the discovery of the cave, the villager nicknamed Sharko, who lived near the cave, was the first to gather courage. He cut down some trees, lowered them into the hole and, with the help of ropes and neighbors, managed to get inside the cave. Since then, the cave has been called "Sharkova Dupka".

The cave is rich in figures created by stalactites and stalgmites. Because the soil is rich in iron, most of the ornaments have a characteristic reddish-brown color.

The cave has a variety of wildlife: bats, spiders, lizards, various species of insects.
HTMLText_1752BAC5_57D1_805F_41C3_4D3FE0C946A5_mobile.html =
„Sharko's Hole“

The cave "Sharko's hole", which is open to tourists, is located near the parking lot of the ski center. It is protected by an iron door and bars, and inside there are semicircular metal stairs and it is fully lit with spotlights.

The cave is located at a depth of twenty meters from the entrance to it, it is about 18 meters wide and 25 meters long. In the lower part of it there is an opening that leads to two more cave halls that are still inaccessible to tourists.

The cave was discovered more than three decades ago by the local population who were then afraid to enter it. According to one of the stories related to the discovery of the cave, the villager nicknamed Sharko, who lived near the cave, was the first to gather courage. He cut down some trees, lowered them into the hole and, with the help of ropes and neighbors, managed to get inside the cave. Since then, the cave has been called "Sharko's hole".

The cave is rich in figures created by stalactites and stalgmites. Because the soil is rich in iron, most of the ornaments have a characteristic reddish-brown color.

The cave has a variety of wildlife: bats, spiders, lizards, various species of insects.
HTMLText_967BF083_8591_B3EA_41B8_568A23BCC91E.html =

"Golem Grad" has been declared a strict nature reserve due to its specific geomorphological features, characteristic flora and fauna and due to its historical past.

The island is 750 m long and 450 m wide, with the highest part 50 m above the lake. On all sides the island is surrounded by rocks and caves with a height of 20 to 30 meters. Above them is formed a plateau with two heights on the north and south of the island. Among the heights there is a saddle that ends on the shores with small bays. These two bays are the only places from which the plateau can be accessed.

The environment with the large amount of water, the geological base and the proximity of the Mediterranean have enabled the island to have a special microclimate which is the reason for the appearance of rich and rare vegetation, dominated by southern European flora (41 or 25.6% - sub-Mediterranean species; 29 or 18.2% - Eurasian; 20 or 12.6% - Mediterranean; 18 or 11.2% - Pontic; 17 or 10.6% - European; 10 or 6.2% - Messianic; 8 or 5.0% - circumpolar; 5 or 3.1% - cultural; 4 or 2.5% - Atlantic-sub-Mediterranean; 3 or 1.9% - cosmopolitan; 3 or 1.9% - Illyrian; 2 or 1.2% - scardo- pindski).

On the island of Golem Grad, two forest communities are clearly distinguished, namely the forest of wild foyer (Biaro tenuifoliae-Juniperetum excelsae) and the forest of web almond and smooth nettle (Pruno webbii-Celtetum glabrae).

On the island in a relatively small area are concentrated a large number of cultural and historical monuments and natural values. The 4,5 km long water road from the village of Konjsko leads to this natural fortress, raised 30 m above the lake water and with an area of ​​18 hectares. Today it is uninhabited but rich in endemic plants, rare birds, animal-like communities, and objects, records, and finds that speak to the island's long centuries of population.

Apart from nature lovers and explorers, the island of Golem Grad is one of the most attractive places for those whose interests are focused on discovering and exploring the remains of settlements from the Neolithic, Ancient Macedonian and Roman times (necropolis) and the Middle Ages. Apart from the Roman necropolis, six churches were discovered and there were twelve. The island was inhabited continuously for 2000 years, and the monastery life took place from the X to the XIV century. Of the churches found, the one erected and frescoed in the 14th century on the foundations of a Roman water cistern is of particular interest.

Apart from the preserved church of St. Peter, the medieval church of St. Dimitrija, there is also the early Christian basilica from the end of the IV and the beginning of the V century, where remains of a floor mosaic have been discovered.

This island is also known as "Snake Island", due to the numerous snakes that inhabit this island.
There are two types of snakes. In the rocks next to the water lives the water snake, which is not poisonous. It multiplies in the spring and can be seen on the shore.
In the upper part of the island you can find the venomous snake „Horned Viper“.
Attempts were made to destroy them with hedgehogs (1949) and mongooses (1967), but no major success was achieved.
A large number of turtles can also be seen on the island.
HTMLText_5DD69F6C_E59D_8F8B_41C1_CCD8A5C66817.html =
Tourist Center

The tourist center Mavrovo is located on the mountain Bistra and is a larger region which includes:
• village Mavrovo
village Mavrovi Anovi
• village Leunovo
• village Nikiforovo
• Lake Mavrovo
• Bistra Ski Center
• Mavrovo National Park
• Weekend settlement
• Hotels, restaurants and bars
• Cave "Shark's Hole"

It extends from 1,000 to 1860 meters above sea level.
It is 100 km away from the capital Skopje.

The tourist center Mavrovo offers many activities for the visitors, in all 4 seasons:
- skiing
- walking
- hiking
- cycling
- water sports
- hunting and fishing
- gym
- football, basketball and other sports fields
- paragliding.

The Bistra Ski Center is located at 1,300-1,900 meters above sea level, with a total length of 5,000 meters of ski slopes, gives the opportunity to all beginners, enthusiasts and professionals in skiing and snowboarding, as well as for those who enjoy a little more adrenaline and excitement, day as and at night.
There are 10 ski lifts, one-seater and 2 two-seater cable cars.
HTMLText_8A8CF26D_9AD6_3A18_41DC_604E9604B402.html =
Old church
"St. Nikola Leten"
(St. Nicholas)

Old church "St. Nikola Leten" (St. Nicholas) — Mavrovo — former main village church of the village of Mavrovo, which today is mostly submerged by the waters of Lake Mavrovo.

Although it is mostly submerged in the waters not the lake, the church has still preserved its appearance. The building itself and the bell tower still exist, although the interior is mostly destroyed and the roof has completely collapsed.

The church was built by Recan masters in 1850. It was completed in 1857, and was built with marble and granite, it had a marble altar, a valuable iconostasis and icons by the great master Dicho Zograf.

It was built as a three-nave church with a five-sided apse, bell tower and iconostasis.

Towards the end of 1952, when the creation of the Mavrovo Lake began, the icons and other church objects were transferred to the small church located opposite the sunken one. During the immersion, the wooden iconostasis and the icons made by the famous painter from Mija, Dicho Zograf, as well as books and other church objects, were forgotten. However, they were later taken out and preserved.

In the mid-1990s, the construction of the new church "St. Nikola" which is located near the old sunken church. The construction of this church was completed in 2006.
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Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
HTMLText_967BF083_8591_B3EA_41B8_568A23BCC91E_mobile.html =
Island "Golem Grad"
(Big City)

"Golem Grad" has been declared a strict nature reserve due to its specific geomorphological features, characteristic flora and fauna and due to its historical past.

The island is 750 m long and 450 m wide, with the highest part 50 m above the lake. On all sides the island is surrounded by rocks and caves with a height of 20 to 30 meters. Above them is formed a plateau with two heights on the north and south of the island. Among the heights there is a saddle that ends on the shores with small bays. These two bays are the only places from which the plateau can be accessed.

The environment with the large amount of water, the geological base and the proximity of the Mediterranean have enabled the island to have a special microclimate which is the reason for the appearance of rich and rare vegetation, dominated by southern European flora (41 or 25.6% - sub-Mediterranean species; 29 or 18.2% - Eurasian; 20 or 12.6% - Mediterranean; 18 or 11.2% - Pontic; 17 or 10.6% - European; 10 or 6.2% - Messianic; 8 or 5.0% - circumpolar; 5 or 3.1% - cultural; 4 or 2.5% - Atlantic-sub-Mediterranean; 3 or 1.9% - cosmopolitan; 3 or 1.9% - Illyrian; 2 or 1.2% - scardo- pindski).

On the island of Golem Grad, two forest communities are clearly distinguished, namely the forest of wild foyer (Biaro tenuifoliae-Juniperetum excelsae) and the forest of web almond and smooth nettle (Pruno webbii-Celtetum glabrae).

On the island in a relatively small area are concentrated a large number of cultural and historical monuments and natural values. The 4,5 km long water road from the village of Konjsko leads to this natural fortress, raised 30 m above the lake water and with an area of ​​18 hectares. Today it is uninhabited but rich in endemic plants, rare birds, animal-like communities, and objects, records, and finds that speak to the island's long centuries of population.

Apart from nature lovers and explorers, the island of Golem Grad is one of the most attractive places for those whose interests are focused on discovering and exploring the remains of settlements from the Neolithic, Ancient Macedonian and Roman times (necropolis) and the Middle Ages. Apart from the Roman necropolis, six churches were discovered and there were twelve. The island was inhabited continuously for 2000 years, and the monastery life took place from the X to the XIV century. Of the churches found, the one erected and frescoed in the 14th century on the foundations of a Roman water cistern is of particular interest.

Apart from the preserved church of St. Peter, the medieval church of St. Dimitrija, there is also the early Christian basilica from the end of the IV and the beginning of the V century, where remains of a floor mosaic have been discovered.

This island is also known as "Snake Island", due to the numerous snakes that inhabit this island.
There are two types of snakes. In the rocks next to the water lives the water snake, which is not poisonous. It multiplies in the spring and can be seen on the shore.
In the upper part of the island you can find the venomous snake „Horned Viper“.
Attempts were made to destroy them with hedgehogs (1949) and mongooses (1967), but no major success was achieved.
A large number of turtles can also be seen on the island.
HTMLText_5DD69F6C_E59D_8F8B_41C1_CCD8A5C66817_mobile.html =
Tourist Center

The tourist center Mavrovo is located on the mountain Bistra and is a larger region which includes:
• village Mavrovo
• village Mavrovi Anovi
• village Leunovo
• village Nikiforovo
• Lake Mavrovo
• Bistra Ski Center
• Mavrovo National Park
• Weekend settlement
• Hotels, restaurants and bars
• Cave "Sharko's Hole"

It extends from 1,000 to 1860 meters above sea level.
It is 100 km away from the capital Skopje.

The tourist center Mavrovo offers many activities for the visitors, in all 4 seasons:
- skiing
- walking
- hiking
- cycling
- water sports
- hunting and fishing
- gym
- football, basketball and other sports fields
- paragliding.

The Bistra Ski Center is located at 1,300-1,900 meters above sea level, with a total length of 5,000 meters of ski slopes, gives the opportunity to all beginners, enthusiasts and professionals in skiing and snowboarding, as well as for those who enjoy a little more adrenaline and excitement, day as and at night.
There are 10 ski lifts, one-seater and 2 two-seater cable cars.
HTMLText_887A04F7_9AF2_3E09_41E2_3D5356F78C44_mobile.html =
Old church
"St. Nikola Leten"
(St. Nicholas)

Old church "St. Nikola Leten" (St. Nicholas) — Mavrovo — former main village church of the village of Mavrovo, which today is mostly submerged by the waters of Lake Mavrovo.

Although it is mostly submerged in the waters not the lake, the church has still preserved its appearance. The building itself and the bell tower still exist, although the interior is mostly destroyed and the roof has completely collapsed.

The church was built by Recan masters in 1850. It was completed in 1857, and was built with marble and granite, it had a marble altar, a valuable iconostasis and icons by the great master Dicho Zograf.

It was built as a three-nave church with a five-sided apse, bell tower and iconostasis.

Towards the end of 1952, when the creation of the Mavrovo Lake began, the icons and other church objects were transferred to the small church located opposite the sunken one. During the immersion, the wooden iconostasis and the icons made by the famous painter from Mija, Dicho Zograf, as well as books and other church objects, were forgotten. However, they were later taken out and preserved.

In the mid-1990s, the construction of the new church "St. Nikola" which is located near the old sunken church. The construction of this church was completed in 2006.
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Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
HTMLText_61F427D2_7C86_91EE_41DC_C046A456455F_mobile.html =
"Macedonia from above" PROJECT

This is a 360° Virtual tour guide of North Macedonian tourist places: cities, villages, ski resorts, hotels, museums, monuments, rivers, canyons, beautiful nature and more … with a lot text informations, photos and videos…

This project is not funded by the Government of R. North Macedonia.
If you want to support this Project to grow, please contact me.

Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_4FBE9F88_68D6_DB4D_41C7_326CA98AF6B2.html =
Island "Golem Grad"
(Big City)
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