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Label_B3B8E5E2_A3C6_658D_41A6_96B6B9902D03.text = DONATE Label_A8D6B30D_8F27_CDBF_41DB_64AE5A693C04.text = Find accommodation Label_BB872842_F87E_7AAC_41C2_6EFD64D821F9.text = Find accommodation Label_C5CEB98E_F87E_3DB7_41E7_130D0FBC1F4E.text = Find accommodation Label_0B926BF9_1C85_1100_41B4_95013C7155C9.text = Music: Stojne Nikolova - Krushevo aber pristigna Label_22BB22F4_3075_D173_41BB_3ACDC6CCCC83.text = SHTIP Label_61713660_455B_2D9C_41CD_7A67EAA58FBD.text = SHTIP Label_22BB22F4_3075_D173_41BB_3ACDC6CCCC83_mobile.text = SHTIP Label_BB84A842_F87E_7AAC_41AD_607A3DE3661B.text = Sponsors Label_C5CF798E_F87E_3DB7_41A1_F240F6E0EA38.text = Sponsors Label_22BB32F4_3075_D173_4191_C8B45B85DEB8.text = {{subtitle}} Label_22BB32F4_3075_D173_4191_C8B45B85DEB8_mobile.text = {{subtitle}} ### Multiline Text HTMLText_67C98230_4559_65FB_41CE_67585C3AAC70.html =
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Museum of VMRO for Stip and the Stip region (1893 -1934)

The museum of VMRO for Stip and Stip region (1893-1934) is located in Stip Novo Selo in the locality "Kaj javorot", near the bridge on the river Bregalnica and Ldzite. The museum is in a house of old town architecture, which was owned by the old Andonovi family. This museum is dedicated to the Macedonian revolutionary organization and the struggle of the Macedonian people for an autonomous Macedonia.

The Museum officially opened on December 20, 2014. The museum has an exhibition space of 160 square meters, seven separate rooms that house 11 wax figures of prominent figures of the Organization, valuable exhibits, photographs, authentic documents, personal belongings and weapons that belonged to the most important figures in history who originated or acted in Stip and Stip region.

The wax figures of Goce Delchev, Dame Gruev, Mishe Razvigorov, Donche Stipjancheto, Todor Lazarov, Todor Alexandrov, Gjorche Petrov, Petar Pop Arsov, Vladislav Kovachev, Pancho Mihajlov and Ivan Mihajlov are placed in the museum.

In the museum you can also see ethnological objects from the social life of the people from the end of the XIX century.
HTMLText_5DD69F6C_E59D_8F8B_41C1_CCD8A5C66817.html =

A city in the eastern part of the Republic of Macedonia, spread along the valley of the river Bregalnica. According to the 2002 census, the city had 40,016 (43,625 with Novo Selo) inhabitants and is the largest city in Eastern Macedonia and the 7th largest city in Macedonia.

In written documents, the name Astibo is first mentioned by the ancient chronicler Polyenes in the 3rd century BC. AD, who reported that in the river Astibo (today's Bregalnica), Paeonian kings were crowned. Macedonian King Alexander I around 360 BC he annexed this area to the ancient Macedonian empire. Stip is mentioned in the 1st century AD, during the time of the Roman emperor Tiberius (14-37) as the Paeonian city of Astibo and was one of the largest and most important ancient Paeonian cities in eastern Macedonia. Scientists locate Astibo in the area of ​​today's old part of the city of Stip, on the eastern slopes of the hill Isar and the locations Star Konak, Tuzlija and Gorno Maalo. The city is also noted in Tabula Poittingemiana (ancient map of the 4th century) as a settlement, one of the stations on the road to Stobi-Pautalia (Kyustendil) - Serdika (Sofia).

In late antiquity and in the early Byzantine period, the settlement existed under the name Stipeon, and in the Middle Ages, around the 6th and 7th century, it received the present name Stip. In the Middle Ages, around the end of the 4th century and during the 7th century, during the conquests of the Avars and the Slavs in the Balkans, almost all the late antique and early Byzantine cities were destroyed, including Stipeon. Stip existed during the reign of Samuel, in the period between 976 and 1014, and was later conquered by the Byzantines. In the 9th century, the city was under Bulgarian rule, and after the Battle of Velbuzhd near (Kyustendil), Stip fell under the Serbian ruler Stefan Decanski.

In 1395, Stip finally fell under the rule of the Ottoman Empire and became a kaza (nahija) in the composition of the Kyustendil Sandzak. From then until the 17th century, there are few written documents about the fate of Stip.

With the Spanish Inquisition at the beginning of the 16th century, a large number of Jews - Sephardim fled to the territory of the Ottoman Empire, and some of them settled in Stip, which can be seen from Turkish sources from 1519 when 38 Jewish families or 200 lived in Stip. soul.

During the Balkan Wars, the Stip area was occupied by the Bulgarian and Serbian armies, and the demarcation line between the two armies was drawn along the river Bregalnica, so that Stip and the villages on the left side were occupied by Bulgaria, which here begins to introduce its administration. The territories on the right side of the river are occupied by Serbia.

The same fate befell this people during the First World War. Among the 58,000 soldiers from Macedonia included in the mobilization, there are many citizens of Stip who participate on many fronts, such as: Krivolak 1915-1916, the Dobrudjani front in 1916 and the Macedonian front in 1916. Among the other horrors and consequences of the First World War in Stip and the Stip region are the appearance of infectious diseases, including malaria, typhoid fever, cholera and the terrible Spanish flu.

During the Second World War, on April 6, 1941, Stip was bombed by German planes that took off from bases from Bulgaria. In the first attack, the Sokolana, which housed two military units of the Royal Yugoslavia, was bombed, and in the second attack, the Isar and the houses in the surrounding neighborhoods, as well as the city hospital. On April 7, 1941, the city was captured by the 73rd German Infantry Division, and on April 18 of the same year, the Bulgarian General Staff received a notification from the command of the 12th German Army that units of the First Bulgarian Army were being allowed to enter part of Macedonia. The Bulgarian occupying power in Stip was established on April 26, 1941. On March 11, 1943, the Jews from Stip (551 people from 131 families) were deported to the concentration camp "Treblinka", where almost all of them were killed, and only seven were rescued. Immediately after the deportation of the Jews, the fascists destroyed the Jewish quarter in the center of Stip, together with the Jewish school, the synagogue and other buildings. On November 8, 1944, the National Liberation War liberated the city. The citizens of Stip actively participated in the National Liberation War, and about 2,000 fighters joined the resistance against the occupiers. During the occupation, 814 inhabitants lost their lives, of which 88 in direct struggle against the occupiers.
HTMLText_E4C4BCC6_F960_9FFE_41E1_BA692221CE24.html =
NI Institute and Museum Stip

NI Institute and Museum Stip was established in 1950 as a city institution, to grow into a Museum in the Stip area in 1955.

The institution mainly deals with activities such as:
- research works and procurement of museum material;
- professional - museological processing;
- protection of the material and cultural-historical monuments;
- cultural - educational and educational activity;
- maintenance of the Icon Galleries in the church "St. Nicholas" and the church "Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God";
- research and partial reconstruction of the archeological sites Bargala and Isar;
- archaeological excavations.

Today, the museum is located in 2 houses with old town architecture that were owned by the families Arsovi and Anevi-Gochevi, where the permanent exhibitions are set, while the administration is located in a newly built building between these two houses.

Here are the following permanent exhibitions:
- Historical exhibition with over 1000 exhibits from I to XX century,
- Archaeological exhibition with over 1200 exhibits from the Neolithic period to the medieval period
- Ethnological exhibition.

The Museum of VMRO for Stip and the Stip region (1893 - 1934) in Novo Selo works as part of the museum, as well as the Bezisten Art Gallery, and a memorial house of the national hero Slavcho Stojmenski has been opened.
HTMLText_E4C4BCC6_F960_9FFE_41E1_BA692221CE24_mobile.html =
NI Institute and Museum Stip

NI Institute and Museum Stip was established in 1950 as a city institution, to grow into a Museum in the Stip area in 1955.

The institution mainly deals with activities such as:
- research works and procurement of museum material;
- professional - museological processing;
- protection of the material and cultural-historical monuments;
- cultural - educational and educational activity;
- maintenance of the Icon Galleries in the church "St. Nicholas" and the church "Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God";
- research and partial reconstruction of the archeological sites Bargala and Isar;
- archaeological excavations.

Today, the museum is located in 2 houses with old town architecture that were owned by the families Arsovi and Anevi-Gochevi, where the permanent exhibitions are set, while the administration is located in a newly built building between these two houses.

Here are the following permanent exhibitions:
- Historical exhibition with over 1000 exhibits from I to XX century,
- Archaeological exhibition with over 1200 exhibits from the Neolithic period to the medieval period
- Ethnological exhibition.

The Museum of VMRO for Stip and the Stip region (1893 - 1934) in Novo Selo works as part of the museum, as well as the Bezisten Art Gallery, and a memorial house of the national hero Slavcho Stojmenski has been opened.
HTMLText_CF4D552A_E8FF_6FA7_41CC_86F2A4F0F38F.html =
Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
HTMLText_F6246112_F915_5D44_41E8_484BB49FA5A3.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
art galleries and exhibitions
hotels, restaurants, villas
tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 3,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_F62D9115_F915_5D4C_41B0_4124D38D1156.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
art galleries and exhibitions
hotels, restaurants, villas
tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 2,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
HTMLText_EF578837_EE67_5A69_41DD_E445D797102A.html =
Isar or Shtip Fortress

A medieval fortress in Shtip. It is located in the western part of the city, where the rocky hill Isar rises, 150 m high. It is surrounded by steep slopes, on the western side by the riverbed of Bregalnica, and on the southern side by the riverbed of Otinja. The position and height allow visibility and control of the entrance and exit from the city. At the very top there is an uneven plateau, 200 m long in the north-south direction, surrounded by the remains of the foundations of a rampart, fairly well preserved, a place 12 to 19 m high, with several defensive towers. According to the studies so far, it is assumed that the fortress was built in the early Middle Ages, due to the defensive and strategic needs of the city that lay at its foot. Under today's name Shtip, it was located within the borders of Samoil's state, at the beginning of the 13th century under Bulgarian rule, and immediately afterwards under the administration of the Serbian ruler Stefan Dečanski. The Turks captured it in 1382.

State and political changes also affected the architecture of the fortress. In some places, demolitions, repairs or additions can be seen. After the appearance of firearms, it was abandoned, just like most fortresses in Macedonia. Among the built-in building material, there are broken pieces of architectural plastic of white marble of Roman provenance, certainly brought from the former city of Astibo, which lay immediately at the foot of the hill, in today's Star Konak neighborhood. In the lower part of the slopes of the Isar there are three churches, namely on the eastern one - "St. Archangel Michael", on the southern "St. John the Baptist" and on the northern "St. Vlasij", which is in the remains of foundations. As for the remains of the medieval settlement, some of them are found on the northwestern slope, to the left of the church of St. Archangel Michael. According to the fragments of ceramic vessels found, there are indications that Isar was used for defensive purposes much earlier, in early antiquity and possibly in the Iron Age.
HTMLText_967BF083_8591_B3EA_41B8_568A23BCC91E_mobile.html =
Museum of VMRO for Stip and the Stip region (1893 -1934)

The museum of VMRO for Stip and Stip region (1893-1934) is located in Stip Novo Selo in the locality "Kaj javorot", near the bridge on the river Bregalnica and Ldzite. The museum is in a house of old town architecture, which was owned by the old Andonovi family. This museum is dedicated to the Macedonian revolutionary organization and the struggle of the Macedonian people for an autonomous Macedonia.

The Museum officially opened on December 20, 2014. The museum has an exhibition space of 160 square meters, seven separate rooms that house 11 wax figures of prominent figures of the Organization, valuable exhibits, photographs, authentic documents, personal belongings and weapons that belonged to the most important figures in history who originated or acted in Stip and Stip region.

The wax figures of Goce Delchev, Dame Gruev, Mishe Razvigorov, Donche Stipjancheto, Todor Lazarov, Todor Alexandrov, Gjorche Petrov, Petar Pop Arsov, Vladislav Kovachev, Pancho Mihajlov and Ivan Mihajlov are placed in the museum.

In the museum you can also see ethnological objects from the social life of the people from the end of the XIX century.
HTMLText_5DD69F6C_E59D_8F8B_41C1_CCD8A5C66817_mobile.html =

A city in the eastern part of the Republic of Macedonia, spread along the valley of the river Bregalnica. According to the 2002 census, the city had 40,016 (43,625 with Novo Selo) inhabitants and is the largest city in Eastern Macedonia and the 7th largest city in Macedonia.

In written documents, the name Astibo is first mentioned by the ancient chronicler Polyenes in the 3rd century BC. AD, who reported that in the river Astibo (today's Bregalnica), Paeonian kings were crowned. Macedonian King Alexander I around 360 BC he annexed this area to the ancient Macedonian empire. Stip is mentioned in the 1st century AD, during the time of the Roman emperor Tiberius (14-37) as the Paeonian city of Astibo and was one of the largest and most important ancient Paeonian cities in eastern Macedonia. Scientists locate Astibo in the area of ​​today's old part of the city of Stip, on the eastern slopes of the hill Isar and the locations Star Konak, Tuzlija and Gorno Maalo. The city is also noted in Tabula Poittingemiana (ancient map of the 4th century) as a settlement, one of the stations on the road to Stobi-Pautalia (Kyustendil) - Serdika (Sofia).

In late antiquity and in the early Byzantine period, the settlement existed under the name Stipeon, and in the Middle Ages, around the 6th and 7th century, it received the present name Stip. In the Middle Ages, around the end of the 4th century and during the 7th century, during the conquests of the Avars and the Slavs in the Balkans, almost all the late antique and early Byzantine cities were destroyed, including Stipeon. Stip existed during the reign of Samuel, in the period between 976 and 1014, and was later conquered by the Byzantines. In the 9th century, the city was under Bulgarian rule, and after the Battle of Velbuzhd near (Kyustendil), Stip fell under the Serbian ruler Stefan Decanski.

In 1395, Stip finally fell under the rule of the Ottoman Empire and became a kaza (nahija) in the composition of the Kyustendil Sandzak. From then until the 17th century, there are few written documents about the fate of Stip.

With the Spanish Inquisition at the beginning of the 16th century, a large number of Jews - Sephardim fled to the territory of the Ottoman Empire, and some of them settled in Stip, which can be seen from Turkish sources from 1519 when 38 Jewish families or 200 lived in Stip. soul.

During the Balkan Wars, the Stip area was occupied by the Bulgarian and Serbian armies, and the demarcation line between the two armies was drawn along the river Bregalnica, so that Stip and the villages on the left side were occupied by Bulgaria, which here begins to introduce its administration. The territories on the right side of the river are occupied by Serbia.

The same fate befell this people during the First World War. Among the 58,000 soldiers from Macedonia included in the mobilization, there are many citizens of Stip who participate on many fronts, such as: Krivolak 1915-1916, the Dobrudjani front in 1916 and the Macedonian front in 1916. Among the other horrors and consequences of the First World War in Stip and the Stip region are the appearance of infectious diseases, including malaria, typhoid fever, cholera and the terrible Spanish flu.

During the Second World War, on April 6, 1941, Stip was bombed by German planes that took off from bases from Bulgaria. In the first attack, the Sokolana, which housed two military units of the Royal Yugoslavia, was bombed, and in the second attack, the Isar and the houses in the surrounding neighborhoods, as well as the city hospital. On April 7, 1941, the city was captured by the 73rd German Infantry Division, and on April 18 of the same year, the Bulgarian General Staff received a notification from the command of the 12th German Army that units of the First Bulgarian Army were being allowed to enter part of Macedonia. The Bulgarian occupying power in Stip was established on April 26, 1941. On March 11, 1943, the Jews from Stip (551 people from 131 families) were deported to the concentration camp "Treblinka", where almost all of them were killed, and only seven were rescued. Immediately after the deportation of the Jews, the fascists destroyed the Jewish quarter in the center of Stip, together with the Jewish school, the synagogue and other buildings. On November 8, 1944, the National Liberation War liberated the city. The citizens of Stip actively participated in the National Liberation War, and about 2,000 fighters joined the resistance against the occupiers. During the occupation, 814 inhabitants lost their lives, of which 88 in direct struggle against the occupiers.
HTMLText_E4C0C24C_F963_6AF1_41DE_570069FEAEAD.html =
"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
• Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
• Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
• settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
• nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
• history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
• religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
• art galleries and exhibitions
• tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 3,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
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"MACEDONIA FROM ABOVE - 360° Virtual Guide"

The Project was started in 2017,
Registrated at the Macedonian Copyright Agency in 2018,
Website https://macedoniafromabove.mk was officially opened in May 2019.

The main goals of the project are:
• Promotion of tourist, natural, historical and cultural sites for better acquaintance of the same by domestic and foreign tourists
• Educational - for primary and secondary school students - for the subjects Geography, History, Society, Religions, Art - to be able to see realistically what cities, villages, gorges, lakes, rivers, museums, archeological sites, memorial centers and much more look like - because - in Covid situation - they can not walk.
The Ministry of Education and Science has already given an opinion that the website CAN be used in primary and secondary schools.

On this site you can "walk" virtually through many locations, which are divided into topics:
• settlements - cities, villages, ski resorts, picnic places
• nature - rivers, gorges, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, caves
• history - museums, archeological sites, memorial centers, monuments and others (such as Kokino, Kuklici, Cocev Kamen ...)
• religious buildings - churches, monasteries, mosques
• art galleries and exhibitions
• tests - on how much you know about the monuments in Skopje and another one in the field of geography - cities, villages, lakes and gorges.
All locations are processed with 360° panoramas - from the air and from the ground, which are interconnected, with much additional text information, photos, videos and 360 ° videos ... in 2 languages: Macedonian and English (for now).
It currently has more than 3,000 panoramas.
The site is also ready for "virtual tours with a live guide".
90% of the materials posted on the site are with our own financial support.

The Government of RSM, its Ministries and institutions, such as:
• Ministry of Economy,
• Ministry of Culture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Tourism Agency
• Innovation Fund,
• municipalities
• and other public institutions
so far they have not helped this Project with anything, on the contrary, they are trying to sabotage it.

If you want to help this MACEDONIA PROMOTION Project, you can DONATE by clicking the button below.

Author: Bojan Trenchevski
Phone: +389 70 338747
E-mail: info@macedoniafromabove.mk
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Company Name
Tlf.: +11 111 111 111
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Isar or Shtip Fortress

A medieval fortress in Shtip. It is located in the western part of the city, where the rocky hill Isar rises, 150 m high. It is surrounded by steep slopes, on the western side by the riverbed of Bregalnica, and on the southern side by the riverbed of Otinja. The position and height allow visibility and control of the entrance and exit from the city. At the very top there is an uneven plateau, 200 m long in the north-south direction, surrounded by the remains of the foundations of a rampart, fairly well preserved, a place 12 to 19 m high, with several defensive towers. According to the studies so far, it is assumed that the fortress was built in the early Middle Ages, due to the defensive and strategic needs of the city that lay at its foot. Under today's name Shtip, it was located within the borders of Samoil's state, at the beginning of the 13th century under Bulgarian rule, and immediately afterwards under the administration of the Serbian ruler Stefan Dečanski. The Turks captured it in 1382.

State and political changes also affected the architecture of the fortress. In some places, demolitions, repairs or additions can be seen. After the appearance of firearms, it was abandoned, just like most fortresses in Macedonia. Among the built-in building material, there are broken pieces of architectural plastic of white marble of Roman provenance, certainly brought from the former city of Astibo, which lay immediately at the foot of the hill, in today's Star Konak neighborhood. In the lower part of the slopes of the Isar there are three churches, namely on the eastern one - "St. Archangel Michael", on the southern "St. John the Baptist" and on the northern "St. Vlasij", which is in the remains of foundations. As for the remains of the medieval settlement, some of them are found on the northwestern slope, to the left of the church of St. Archangel Michael. According to the fragments of ceramic vessels found, there are indications that Isar was used for defensive purposes much earlier, in early antiquity and possibly in the Iron Age.
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